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Well, it depends on how much those 174K of ps3's were given to black friday sales last week. I don't think that any of the consoles, Wii especially, will maintain such high sales. Someone mentioned that GT will give a boost in sales in Japan. I would beg to differ as you can plainly see that the GT series is THAT popular in Japan. The last GT4 game barely over a million units LTD. Concept games of the series fared even more poorly, so i'd watch it with the predictions there. Besides, it rather look sto me that UT won't give much of a boost, it's not a system seller IMO. Rather, it will give a nice software boost to ps3 stats.

OT: i think it'll be just under 8 million, with wii coming at 19 million and the xbox360 at some 14,5 millionunits sold by new years eve.

Deep into the darkness pearing

Long i stood there


