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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VG Charts Gaming Demographics

I'm 26, I started off playing
Atari games, Pole postion, space invaders, pac man.
Then commodore 64/masterSystem/MegaDrive games, lots of space/sci-fi stuff, and quite a lot of Sonic, micro machines & MotoGP.

in 1990 I got my First PC, I played lemmings and had wonderful time, by the time I got my second PC, a P90 (Hey my Vram was FASTER then diamond stealth! Beat that SpookyXJ ;) ) I had loads of great PC games  and ignored Console gaming, always buying a new PC or upgrading every couple of years - until I got the Wii.
Favorate games:

RTS : AOE (yeap the first one is still the best) - only one I really liked.
TBS : civilization 2 - great game, but I haven't played it in a while
FPS : StarTrek Voyager : Elite Force, Quake 3, HalfLife 2
Racing : Excite Truck.
Fighting :Tekken 2 (only one I really played and liked)
Platformer : Croc : legend of the Gobos, abe's oddysee.
Puzzle : Portal, Loads of web based games.
RPG : Oblivion, Mordor
MMORPG : The legend of Mir 2, Mir 3, StarWars Galaxies.
Webbased : Planetarion, Tribal Wars (both very addictive)
Adventure : Outcast, Legend of Zelda : TP.
Point and Click : Sam & Max, Monkey Island 4
Sports games : Fifa, Extream Snowboarding, Tony Hawk 2, NHL.

I also love Flash arcade games. I find StarryNight very relaxing.

A List of some of the games I've played is in  my profile.

I play mostly FPS' with MMORPGS' a close second, Fighting is my least favorate, I'm very picky about my RTS', I find TBS are hard to get into, platformers - I will play but only casually.

I've found I'm also finding it hard to decide if I want to get Mario, so I'm going to get Mario 64 from the VC once I've finished all the other games I'm playing.

I'm trying hard not to be bothered by the "kiddy" image and just enjoying games for what they are.....after playing Monkey Ball nothing else seems that kiddy

"..just keep on trying 'till you run out of cake"

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Male, 30.

Like many my age I have played many video/computer games on a multitude of systems since their birth (not going to list them here).

Currently loving Mario Galaxy! and many other of the big Wii titles Zelda, Metroid.

Gears of War is great, waiting impatiently to play Halo 3, but probably gonna update my PC for Crysis first!!

So yeah I like FPS's hooked since Wolfenstein 3d / Doom then Half-Life / Goldeneye etc.

Enjoy racing games which I think work best on consoles now, PS3 and 360. Loved Toca 2 on PC, Super Mario Kart (SNES version was best) Gran Turismo on PS1 was amazing its sequels are just updates though no major improvements.

Not much love for sport games, except Wii sports which works very well.

Don't have time for RTS type games.

Let's see if I got it right...

I'm 20 (:sobs:), male.

Current favorite game: Super Mario Galaxy.

All time favorites: Ocarina of Time, Silent Hill 2, FFVI, Half-Life 2 and others.

The genres that I like the most are adventure, FPS, racing, sports and strategy (both RTS and TBS).

The kind of games that I don't like are like GTA, Bully, Manhunt... or pretty much anything that comes from Rockstar. You know, "be violent just for the sake of violence". Games like SH2 or HL2 are very violent games, but it has a meaning. Also, I don't like games with an "unpolished" feel to them.

bumidan said:
So what is your age and sex endurance? what is your favored genres? least liked?

That made me lol.

bumidan said:
To continue:
I guess I am curious if someone over 30, especially Males - likes or more accurately, have games such as Super Mario and Zelda - as their top genre. Meaning that they would play those games ahead of other games, if they have a choice.

I don't really see why things would change specifically at 30. Plenty of people have posted so far around 28/9 that love Zelda and Mario, and I'd consider them to be much more similar to you than a young adult like myself (19), or a younger teen like Leo-j or Soriku.

I'd think it would be better to split the groups at the 20 age mark. People over 20 are generally mature adults and those under 20 are not. You could also have a transitional group from 18-25 because people of that age could technicaly go either way, depending on their maturity levels and other life issues.

I think the more logical split is adult male with kids vs adult male without kids.

If you have kids and play eg. Super Mario Galaxy - this will make your kid want to play too - as it would look like a cartoon to a child.

I am guessing the 25 to 30 year old gamers who like SMG may be without children?

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To respond to you makingmusic - My point of view is the opposite - I think a single 19 year old and a single 28 year old have more in common with each other than myself (31 Male with children).

22 Male

FPS (HL, HL2, Bioshock, Quake2-3-4,Doom-2-3, FarCry, FEAR, Halo 1-2,etc)
RTS (StarCraft, AgeOf..., Pikmin, BWars)
Adventure (There is alot, but I love the Zelda series and Metroid Series)
Plataformers (Mario, and... Mario... DK, Banjo-Kazooie)
Racing (Well just MK)

Honorific mention to RE Series, Shadowman 64, EthernalDarkness, I dont know where to put those...

And I hate the Sports games (The only exception is Wii Sports)

By me:

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"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."
mike_intellivision said:
43 male -- which makes me the oldest one to respond

I've been playing longer than some people here have been alive.

I tend to like things that provide me variety or provide me with depth. So I am apt to play a casual game as I am an RPG. For examples, I like Carnival Games for the Wii because I can play it with my five-year-o0ld son but I also have over 100 hours on Dragon Quest VIII for the PS2.

My biggest complaint is that some games have become overly complex in an effort to be realistic. Too many options or choices to remember make it difficult for someonte just to "pick up and play" without elaborate preparation.

I am no good at plaformers ... but I still try to play. Same with rail shooters and more recent FPS Games.

I like game collections, racing games, RPGs, Puzzle Games and Unique Games (especially ones with unique controllers).

I have roughly 30 different systems (including 1980s computers which mostly played gamed) and have at least 50 unique titles for about two-thirds of the systems. So I have a lot of gaming experience to draw upon.

Mike from Morgantown

I think this is Assassins Creed's problem. Overly complex control schemes dont work well on a game pad. That said I'm a fan of complex control schemes on PC. I loves me some Mechwarrior on PC with a Saitek X36 if you'll excuse the diction. 

@bumidan: I'm 28 and i have kids. And SMG was my most favored game at the moment.
Problem with trying to make an age group of gamers who play SMG, is that the main Mario series is one of series/games that have the one of the widest appeal ever. Even my mother likes Mario games and my late father liked Super Mario 64 (although the game was too hard to play for him, but he always wanted to watch when me and my brothers played Mario 64) and he was around 55 when the game got it's release here.

@makingmusic: i was thinking, that you can't make a border, only transition groups, just like you would draw a line, which changes it's color from black to white, while every color is in between them.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

Good responses. To all who play games - and again I just want to get feedback to see if I am able to play these other games for myself....

So new question/topic:
How many hours do you play per day/week?
How long do you have to play a game in 1 sitting to enjoy it?

For example, I am playing only COD2 right now on X360. I only have, the most, about 1 hour per day to play. So over a 7 day/week period, I probably play about 5 to 7 hours max. The reason I like COD is I can play for 30 minutes and stop and it would still be enjoyable.
So its almost like a "casual"game for me - that is, it won't take up too much of my time.

For example, a great game will be quite addictive - I'm sure there are many games like that. But if you have to play hours in 1 sitting, then it would be quite difficult for me to schedule and play.

Any thoughts?

Should we start a new thread?