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mike_intellivision said:
43 male -- which makes me the oldest one to respond

I've been playing longer than some people here have been alive.

I tend to like things that provide me variety or provide me with depth. So I am apt to play a casual game as I am an RPG. For examples, I like Carnival Games for the Wii because I can play it with my five-year-o0ld son but I also have over 100 hours on Dragon Quest VIII for the PS2.

My biggest complaint is that some games have become overly complex in an effort to be realistic. Too many options or choices to remember make it difficult for someonte just to "pick up and play" without elaborate preparation.

I am no good at plaformers ... but I still try to play. Same with rail shooters and more recent FPS Games.

I like game collections, racing games, RPGs, Puzzle Games and Unique Games (especially ones with unique controllers).

I have roughly 30 different systems (including 1980s computers which mostly played gamed) and have at least 50 unique titles for about two-thirds of the systems. So I have a lot of gaming experience to draw upon.

Mike from Morgantown

I think this is Assassins Creed's problem. Overly complex control schemes dont work well on a game pad. That said I'm a fan of complex control schemes on PC. I loves me some Mechwarrior on PC with a Saitek X36 if you'll excuse the diction.