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I'm 26, I started off playing
Atari games, Pole postion, space invaders, pac man.
Then commodore 64/masterSystem/MegaDrive games, lots of space/sci-fi stuff, and quite a lot of Sonic, micro machines & MotoGP.

in 1990 I got my First PC, I played lemmings and had wonderful time, by the time I got my second PC, a P90 (Hey my Vram was FASTER then diamond stealth! Beat that SpookyXJ ;) ) I had loads of great PC games  and ignored Console gaming, always buying a new PC or upgrading every couple of years - until I got the Wii.
Favorate games:

RTS : AOE (yeap the first one is still the best) - only one I really liked.
TBS : civilization 2 - great game, but I haven't played it in a while
FPS : StarTrek Voyager : Elite Force, Quake 3, HalfLife 2
Racing : Excite Truck.
Fighting :Tekken 2 (only one I really played and liked)
Platformer : Croc : legend of the Gobos, abe's oddysee.
Puzzle : Portal, Loads of web based games.
RPG : Oblivion, Mordor
MMORPG : The legend of Mir 2, Mir 3, StarWars Galaxies.
Webbased : Planetarion, Tribal Wars (both very addictive)
Adventure : Outcast, Legend of Zelda : TP.
Point and Click : Sam & Max, Monkey Island 4
Sports games : Fifa, Extream Snowboarding, Tony Hawk 2, NHL.

I also love Flash arcade games. I find StarryNight very relaxing.

A List of some of the games I've played is in  my profile.

I play mostly FPS' with MMORPGS' a close second, Fighting is my least favorate, I'm very picky about my RTS', I find TBS are hard to get into, platformers - I will play but only casually.

I've found I'm also finding it hard to decide if I want to get Mario, so I'm going to get Mario 64 from the VC once I've finished all the other games I'm playing.

I'm trying hard not to be bothered by the "kiddy" image and just enjoying games for what they are.....after playing Monkey Ball nothing else seems that kiddy

"..just keep on trying 'till you run out of cake"