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Male, 30.

Like many my age I have played many video/computer games on a multitude of systems since their birth (not going to list them here).

Currently loving Mario Galaxy! and many other of the big Wii titles Zelda, Metroid.

Gears of War is great, waiting impatiently to play Halo 3, but probably gonna update my PC for Crysis first!!

So yeah I like FPS's hooked since Wolfenstein 3d / Doom then Half-Life / Goldeneye etc.

Enjoy racing games which I think work best on consoles now, PS3 and 360. Loved Toca 2 on PC, Super Mario Kart (SNES version was best) Gran Turismo on PS1 was amazing its sequels are just updates though no major improvements.

Not much love for sport games, except Wii sports which works very well.

Don't have time for RTS type games.