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Good responses. To all who play games - and again I just want to get feedback to see if I am able to play these other games for myself....

So new question/topic:
How many hours do you play per day/week?
How long do you have to play a game in 1 sitting to enjoy it?

For example, I am playing only COD2 right now on X360. I only have, the most, about 1 hour per day to play. So over a 7 day/week period, I probably play about 5 to 7 hours max. The reason I like COD is I can play for 30 minutes and stop and it would still be enjoyable.
So its almost like a "casual"game for me - that is, it won't take up too much of my time.

For example, a great game will be quite addictive - I'm sure there are many games like that. But if you have to play hours in 1 sitting, then it would be quite difficult for me to schedule and play.

Any thoughts?

Should we start a new thread?