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Forums - Sony Discussion - FFXIII Staying PS3-exclusive it seems.

ssj12 said:
twesterm said:
Hmm, if they call VII an improvement from VI and then continued on with the VII style I really don't know how excited I can be for XIII improving from XII.

 =/ I consider FFXII the best of the serie... oh well opinions are different.


@ the card game announcment - hello new PSEye game.  

I like everything about 12 other then the story.

The story kinda sucks.  The whole "MMORPG but without people" actually appeals to me... however without the storing being good, grinding gets old.  It's my favorite FF since 6 in any case.  Though I haven't played 9 much.  Or 11 at all... cause MMORPGs tend to not be my thing, because I perfer soloing everything, and avoiding creepy, creepy online stuff that happens in those places... well that... and the grinding gets old.

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Also, never expect a Final Fantasy main game on any system but PS3.

The Final Fantasy main games are Squares "art" the games that are graphically going to push the limits. (in my opinion to the detriment of the story and gameplay but anyway...)

It's always going to be on the PS3, because the PS3 is as it was put... the "cinematic" console. Even if Final Fantasy doesn't make money on the PS3 they'll make it up in Dragon Quests, and remakes of the older final fantasys and any number of other ventures they have on other systems. They want to use the PS3 for all the graphical power they can get out of it to make breathtaking scenes. When it comes to the Final Fantasy games to Square profit is second as illogical as it sounds.

I think anyone who thinks otherwise misses the point the Squares been making with it's previous games.

naznatips said:

and has a 21st century storyline which asks profound and urgent questions about freedom, individual responsibility, wars and the lies politicians use to legitimate war.

Profound questions?  Political freedom?  What the hell?  The plot was basically Star Wars in a Final Fantasy setting and was incredibly predictable.  The only thing that even made it mildly interesting was the Judges, but they were barely an afterthought in a mess of an attempt at a political plot.  The characters in FFXII seemed incidental at best in the grand story.  

Actually the Judges are just the "Rosalian Knights" from Tactics Ogre.  I'm glad someone else see's the painfully obvious Star Wars parralels... right down to atleast one line being directly ripped from star wars then slightly modified.

Also Bathier was just cool because he was trying to be british Han Solo.  Either way... I have about 10 times more fun doing the Clan hunts then i do progressing the plot.

Sorry for like.... the 5th post in a row but i've been playing the Final Fantasy series since 1 so they mean a lot to me.

Also, Final Fantasy 6 is just my favorite because they somehow found a way to cram in over a dozen playable characters yet still gave most of them time to shine and plot/character development... lately games can't seem to do that with half as many characters.  Of course even 6 was kinda ripping off WW2 for a lot of it's inspiration.  I mean the Empire were totally supposed to be Nazis.  What with the helmets... and their Hail Hitler Salute... and the fact that they were killing a race of people to gain their power.

PS3 can have FFXIII; Wii has FFCC and Xbox360 has Mass Effect & Fable 2. Fair enough to me.

FFVII was my first FF and my first RPG, so it holds a special place in my heart; it's my favorite. Besides that, the massively underrated FFIX comes second.

Don't flame me but i liked FF9 the best...

That's just me tho.

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why does every thread about final fantasy 13 devolve into "Which FF game was better"? Can't we just agree that they all suck and move on?

Help! I'm stuck in a forum signature!

Why don't we agree to disagree?
I don't agree with that!
Me Neither.

See Ya George.

"He did not die - He passed Away"

At least following a comedians own jokes makes his death easier.

Jandre02 said:
lol @ starcraft.

suuuuuuuure buddy. if they make FF for the 360 they have to make it from the ground up, and cut things out as well. Dont see that one happening. As for MGS4, that would only happen if the PS3 still has a low install base.

Seeing as MGS4 will move a whole bunch of PS3's, along with other exclusives, I dont see this one happening.

Ah mate.  Nowhere did I say that FFXIII wont stay exclusive, quite the opposite in fact.....

As for MGS4, given Konami executives have directly said they are considering other consoles, and given the PS3's North American userbase and attach rate will still pale in comparison to the 360's in June next year, I'd say its extremely likely we will see a port of the game on the Microsoft console.


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

omgwtfbbq said:
why does every thread about final fantasy 13 devolve into "Which FF game was better"? Can't we just agree that they all suck and move on?

Because we already know more about the next Legend of Zelda game then we do the FF13?

Final Fantasy games now a days are pretty much "You have an idea for an RPG?  Lets throw in some moogles and Chocobo and call it a Final Fantasy game.  It'll sell more copies that way."

With almost no info to go on their isn't really much to do but to think back and compare. 

That's why it makes me laugh that the game is predestined to be an "awesome RPG".  It's not the product that's awesome so much as the branding that makes it awesome.  It will sell well because of that branding because a lot of people just want a couple RPGs per generation... and they're familiar with the name Final Fantasy. 

That's why I think a lot of people who have played Final Fantasys before 7 came out, like 6 better.  They don't buy in to the brand name as much as people who started playing RPGs before the big marketing push that made FF games the number one RPG brand name. 

Just how Chrono Cross gets so harshly reviewed by many people despite being a very solid RPG.  It just sucked in comparison to Chrono Trigger and could not live up to it's brand name to the people who played Chrono Trigger. 

omgwtfbbq said:
why does every thread about final fantasy 13 devolve into "Which FF game was better"? Can't we just agree that they all suck and move on?

I'm not saying they're all great but saying they all suck, you're apparently no RPG lover what so ever, so what's the big deal to spit that out here? If you don't like FF why even bothering coming here in this thread? Right?

Glad S.E. "finally" made up their mind about FFXIII, its better to focus on one console then on two. Now... and can you guys tell me once and for all.... where the heck Star Ocean IV is hitting to?!!

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