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omgwtfbbq said:
why does every thread about final fantasy 13 devolve into "Which FF game was better"? Can't we just agree that they all suck and move on?

Because we already know more about the next Legend of Zelda game then we do the FF13?

Final Fantasy games now a days are pretty much "You have an idea for an RPG?  Lets throw in some moogles and Chocobo and call it a Final Fantasy game.  It'll sell more copies that way."

With almost no info to go on their isn't really much to do but to think back and compare. 

That's why it makes me laugh that the game is predestined to be an "awesome RPG".  It's not the product that's awesome so much as the branding that makes it awesome.  It will sell well because of that branding because a lot of people just want a couple RPGs per generation... and they're familiar with the name Final Fantasy. 

That's why I think a lot of people who have played Final Fantasys before 7 came out, like 6 better.  They don't buy in to the brand name as much as people who started playing RPGs before the big marketing push that made FF games the number one RPG brand name. 

Just how Chrono Cross gets so harshly reviewed by many people despite being a very solid RPG.  It just sucked in comparison to Chrono Trigger and could not live up to it's brand name to the people who played Chrono Trigger.