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naznatips said:

and has a 21st century storyline which asks profound and urgent questions about freedom, individual responsibility, wars and the lies politicians use to legitimate war.

Profound questions?  Political freedom?  What the hell?  The plot was basically Star Wars in a Final Fantasy setting and was incredibly predictable.  The only thing that even made it mildly interesting was the Judges, but they were barely an afterthought in a mess of an attempt at a political plot.  The characters in FFXII seemed incidental at best in the grand story.  

Actually the Judges are just the "Rosalian Knights" from Tactics Ogre.  I'm glad someone else see's the painfully obvious Star Wars parralels... right down to atleast one line being directly ripped from star wars then slightly modified.

Also Bathier was just cool because he was trying to be british Han Solo.  Either way... I have about 10 times more fun doing the Clan hunts then i do progressing the plot.

Sorry for like.... the 5th post in a row but i've been playing the Final Fantasy series since 1 so they mean a lot to me.

Also, Final Fantasy 6 is just my favorite because they somehow found a way to cram in over a dozen playable characters yet still gave most of them time to shine and plot/character development... lately games can't seem to do that with half as many characters.  Of course even 6 was kinda ripping off WW2 for a lot of it's inspiration.  I mean the Empire were totally supposed to be Nazis.  What with the helmets... and their Hail Hitler Salute... and the fact that they were killing a race of people to gain their power.