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Also, never expect a Final Fantasy main game on any system but PS3.

The Final Fantasy main games are Squares "art" the games that are graphically going to push the limits. (in my opinion to the detriment of the story and gameplay but anyway...)

It's always going to be on the PS3, because the PS3 is as it was put... the "cinematic" console. Even if Final Fantasy doesn't make money on the PS3 they'll make it up in Dragon Quests, and remakes of the older final fantasys and any number of other ventures they have on other systems. They want to use the PS3 for all the graphical power they can get out of it to make breathtaking scenes. When it comes to the Final Fantasy games to Square profit is second as illogical as it sounds.

I think anyone who thinks otherwise misses the point the Squares been making with it's previous games.