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Forums - Sony Discussion - FFXIII Staying PS3-exclusive it seems.

Argh! That's why you have to respect people's opinions on FF games because I completely disagree there, but I know I won't change your mind on it, so I'm just going to go hug my copy of FFIX and cry.

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naznatips said:
Argh! That's why you have to respect people's opinions on FF games because I completely disagree there, but I know I won't change your mind on it, so I'm just going to go hug my copy of FFIX and cry.

Naznatips hugging another game make Super Mario Galaxy ANGRY. You wouldn't like Super Mario Galaxy ANGRY. 

It's been said many times by SE, "PS3 ONLY" and "EXCLUSIVE!!!" I guess it takes a while for people to understand sometimes. The likelihood of it being multi-platform is if it is ported to a later generation console to milk more profit, like many of the SNES ones were.

I hope the flyable airship stuff is true. With the Blu-ray disc and excellent draw distance of the PS3, I can see it working really well.

"Naturally the common people don't want war: Neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, IT IS THE LEADERS of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is TELL THEM THEY ARE BEING ATTACKED, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. IT WORKS THE SAME IN ANY COUNTRY."  --Hermann Goering, leading Nazi party member, at the Nuremberg War Crime Trials 


Conservatives:  Pushing for a small enough government to be a guest in your living room, or even better - your uterus.


Good news for the PS3, this is another game the 360 can't claim as their own.

I'll take the case!!!

mrstickball said:
ckmlb, I thought the same thing.

It seems that no matter how many times someone can deny something (XIII, MGS4, ect), rumors come back and plague humanity.

Chronotrigger -
I really wonder too, what the White Engine can do. Is it scaleable (can it goto Wii? X360?) What exactly is the White Engine going to do? Are they going to sell the engine to others for an easy cheezy "Make your own RPG for $250,000 from uncle Square and aunt Enix", or what? To me, using White Engine, for all it's costed square, would be an absolute waste if it was just for 2 games (XIII and vs. XIII). I wonder what they'll do. Again, expecially with the comments of how the developers have been amazed at how good our Western-designed UE3 is.

FF XIII had no chance of being multiplatform for the direct game ever. It has never been multiplatform. Of course the platform of choice has and will most likely change if the series continues but that is so far away it probably won't be until next gen.

MGS4 I do believe will eventually be on the 360 and is a completely different story. Do I think MGS4 will launch on both the PS3 and 360 no I do not. But I do think that a 360 version will be available about a year later for MGS4.

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ckmlb said:
twesterm said:
Hmm, if they call VII an improvement from VI and then continued on with the VII style I really don't know how excited I can be for XIII improving from XII.

I'm sick and tired of the FF VI elitists, yes we get it, in your opinion FF went down the crapper after FF VI (Ironically most of the people I hear this from are Nintendo fans, crazy coincidence huh?). On another note by your statement's logic you should at least give FF XIII a chance since it's changing directions (or so they claim) from the last FF games which you apparently so dislike.

FF VI elitists? Huh? Usually all I ever see is people slobbering over FF VII. FF VII was a pretty good in fact it had me anxiously awaiting what they would do with VIII leading to the biggest dissappointment I have had in along time. I do prefer FF VI in ever facet except graphics over VII and feel that was the peak in terms of story and creativity. VII introduced new graphics(similiar to myst style when you think about it) an improved battle system(though Ultima was the shizznit) and a very good yet more convulated story. FF XI was better than VII IMO but mostly because I was never big on the whole lets meld guns, motorcycles, trains with fantasy thing which was also present in FF VI(ghost trains and mechs).

"Another interesting thing he mentioned was that the airship present in Final Fantasy Versus XIII will be able to take part in airborne assaults over the world map"



Fuzzmosis said:

Maybe they'll take 12's non existant storyline, mediocre music, and make it into the best, well written game ever, and maybe better music?

Final Fantasy 12 is a true landmark, one of the greatest works of art ever produced by the videogame culture. It has marvelous voice-acting and pacing, dynamic game-play, a soaring score, and has a 21st century storyline which asks profound and urgent questions about freedom, individual responsibility, wars and the lies politicians use to legitimate war. It also has some of the most interesting female characters in what used to be a horribly sexist genre.  

I'm not sure how Square Enix will top something as magnificent as FF12. I just hope they come close to achieving its level of quality.

ckmlb said:
twesterm said:
Hmm, if they call VII an improvement from VI and then continued on with the VII style I really don't know how excited I can be for XIII improving from XII.

I'm sick and tired of the FF VI elitists, yes we get it, in your opinion FF went down the crapper after FF VI (Ironically most of the people I hear this from are Nintendo fans, crazy coincidence huh?). On another note by your statement's logic you should at least give FF XIII a chance since it's changing directions (or so they claim) from the last FF games which you apparently so dislike.

 man speaks the truth

Warning:  The following is my opinion, and I'm very set on it. 

Final Fantasy 12 is a true landmark, one of the greatest works of art ever produced by the videogame culture. It has marvelous voice-acting and pacing

Marvelous voice-acting means nothing if your characters suck and marvelous pacing means nothing if your plot is ridiculously cliche, preditable, and dull.

dynamic game-play

We're calling the gambit system dynamic gameplay now?  The system that allowed me to beat the entire game without pressing a button other than in some boss fights?  Do we have no standards of gameplay in this industry at all anymore?

a soaring score

Did you bother playing any of the FF games that Uematsu wrote the music for?  If you did, then I'm confused where you go the idea that XII had good music.  If you didn't, then I pity you.

and has a 21st century storyline which asks profound and urgent questions about freedom, individual responsibility, wars and the lies politicians use to legitimate war.

Profound questions?  Political freedom?  What the hell?  The plot was basically Star Wars in a Final Fantasy setting and was incredibly predictable.  The only thing that even made it mildly interesting was the Judges, but they were barely an afterthought in a mess of an attempt at a political plot.  The characters in FFXII seemed incidental at best in the grand story.  

It also has some of the most interesting female characters in what used to be a horribly sexist genre. 

Wow... just wow.  This is by far the worst part of this.  We have Ashe who was a complete b*tch, Penelo who had no personality, and Fran who is bland and generic.  Terra was an interesting female lead in a genre that doesn't have them often.  FFXII was the exact opposite.  Absolutely awful characters in general in the game with the slight except of Balthier who was still worse than most good RPG characters.