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mrstickball said:
ckmlb, I thought the same thing.

It seems that no matter how many times someone can deny something (XIII, MGS4, ect), rumors come back and plague humanity.

Chronotrigger -
I really wonder too, what the White Engine can do. Is it scaleable (can it goto Wii? X360?) What exactly is the White Engine going to do? Are they going to sell the engine to others for an easy cheezy "Make your own RPG for $250,000 from uncle Square and aunt Enix", or what? To me, using White Engine, for all it's costed square, would be an absolute waste if it was just for 2 games (XIII and vs. XIII). I wonder what they'll do. Again, expecially with the comments of how the developers have been amazed at how good our Western-designed UE3 is.

FF XIII had no chance of being multiplatform for the direct game ever. It has never been multiplatform. Of course the platform of choice has and will most likely change if the series continues but that is so far away it probably won't be until next gen.

MGS4 I do believe will eventually be on the 360 and is a completely different story. Do I think MGS4 will launch on both the PS3 and 360 no I do not. But I do think that a 360 version will be available about a year later for MGS4.