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ckmlb said:
twesterm said:
Hmm, if they call VII an improvement from VI and then continued on with the VII style I really don't know how excited I can be for XIII improving from XII.

I'm sick and tired of the FF VI elitists, yes we get it, in your opinion FF went down the crapper after FF VI (Ironically most of the people I hear this from are Nintendo fans, crazy coincidence huh?). On another note by your statement's logic you should at least give FF XIII a chance since it's changing directions (or so they claim) from the last FF games which you apparently so dislike.

FF VI elitists? Huh? Usually all I ever see is people slobbering over FF VII. FF VII was a pretty good in fact it had me anxiously awaiting what they would do with VIII leading to the biggest dissappointment I have had in along time. I do prefer FF VI in ever facet except graphics over VII and feel that was the peak in terms of story and creativity. VII introduced new graphics(similiar to myst style when you think about it) an improved battle system(though Ultima was the shizznit) and a very good yet more convulated story. FF XI was better than VII IMO but mostly because I was never big on the whole lets meld guns, motorcycles, trains with fantasy thing which was also present in FF VI(ghost trains and mechs).