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Warning:  The following is my opinion, and I'm very set on it. 

Final Fantasy 12 is a true landmark, one of the greatest works of art ever produced by the videogame culture. It has marvelous voice-acting and pacing

Marvelous voice-acting means nothing if your characters suck and marvelous pacing means nothing if your plot is ridiculously cliche, preditable, and dull.

dynamic game-play

We're calling the gambit system dynamic gameplay now?  The system that allowed me to beat the entire game without pressing a button other than in some boss fights?  Do we have no standards of gameplay in this industry at all anymore?

a soaring score

Did you bother playing any of the FF games that Uematsu wrote the music for?  If you did, then I'm confused where you go the idea that XII had good music.  If you didn't, then I pity you.

and has a 21st century storyline which asks profound and urgent questions about freedom, individual responsibility, wars and the lies politicians use to legitimate war.

Profound questions?  Political freedom?  What the hell?  The plot was basically Star Wars in a Final Fantasy setting and was incredibly predictable.  The only thing that even made it mildly interesting was the Judges, but they were barely an afterthought in a mess of an attempt at a political plot.  The characters in FFXII seemed incidental at best in the grand story.  

It also has some of the most interesting female characters in what used to be a horribly sexist genre. 

Wow... just wow.  This is by far the worst part of this.  We have Ashe who was a complete b*tch, Penelo who had no personality, and Fran who is bland and generic.  Terra was an interesting female lead in a genre that doesn't have them often.  FFXII was the exact opposite.  Absolutely awful characters in general in the game with the slight except of Balthier who was still worse than most good RPG characters.