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Forums - Gaming Discussion - "Sony copies, we innovate." - Nintendo

yeah he is correct, but he shouldn't be saying it because he looks like an asshole.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

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You can't re invent the wheel, can you?

Dunno why people get butthurt when someone else copies and make something better out of it...

room414 said:
TWRoO said:
room414 said:
d21lewis said:
Analog stick + 4 "C" buttons = Analog stick + Analog stick

analog stick was done on vectrex and atari 5200 before nintendo copied it

Vectrex I am not sure about..... I do know there was 1 consoles that had a proper analogue stick before, not sure if the Vectrex is the one I am thinking of.

Are you sure the 5200 had an analogue stick (ie did not just work like a stick based d-pad.... an analogue stick has to have both variable direction and variable tilt in it.... otherwise it is a digital stick.

Just going by what it says in wikipedia. I'm not at all tech saavy but i assume it's accurate as these controllers are still around.

In 1982 Atari released the first controller with a potentiometer-based analog stick[2] for their Atari 5200 home console. However, the non-centering joystick design proved to be ungainly and unreliable, alienating many consumers at the time. During that same year, General Consumer Electronics introduced the Vectrex, a vector graphics based system which used a self-centering analog stick, obviously a precursor to the modern design.


This is also interesting. Apparently sony came out with dual analog sticks before nintendo used one with the 64 console.

In 1995, Sony (realizing that analog technology could be useful) created a potentiometer-based analog joystick for use in Flight-Simulation games. The Sony Dual Analog FlightStick featured twin analog sticks and was used in games such as "Descent" to provide a much greater degree of freedom than the typical digital joysticks of the day.

In 1996 Nintendo introduced a thumb-operated control stick on their Nintendo 64 controller. While it was still a digital stick, not an analog one,[3] (one that operated on the same principles as a mechanical computer mouse), the Nintendo 64's Control stick still allowed for a great deal of varying levels of pressure and near-360-degree control, translating into far more precise movements than was possible with a D-pad.



So the N64 came out in 1996.  All of the blurrred out pics in EGM and Gamepro in 1995 showing "Nintendo's top secret controller", those mean nothing.  Nintendo apparently did not have such a controller until approximately four hours before the N64 launch.  Gotcha!  And even though it was called an analog stick for months and months before the launch, it's not an analog stick?

Xen said:
c03n3nj0 said:
Oh snap!

Sony better come back with something to make it interesting.

You can trust Sony to hit back with some serious bashing ;)

"We do what Nintendont" - Sony




Thats priceless

Why are Nintendo and Nintendo fans acting so scared. Its like they are afraid of Sony.

Its funny how Move has revealed so many Ninty fanboyz on this sight. They act like only Nintendo should succeed when its better for the industry to have all the game companies being successful.

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chocoloco said:

Why are Nintendo and Nintendo fans acting so scared. Its like they are afraid of Sony.

Its funny how Move has revealed so many Ninty fanboyz on this sight. They act like only Nintendo should succeed when its better for the industry to have all the game companies being successful.

For all the people that refuse to read the thread, this is a 3 1/2 year old article about the sixaxis from a guy who no longer works for Nintendo.

d21lewis said:
room414 said:
TWRoO said:
room414 said:
d21lewis said:
Analog stick + 4 "C" buttons = Analog stick + Analog stick

analog stick was done on vectrex and atari 5200 before nintendo copied it

Vectrex I am not sure about..... I do know there was 1 consoles that had a proper analogue stick before, not sure if the Vectrex is the one I am thinking of.

Are you sure the 5200 had an analogue stick (ie did not just work like a stick based d-pad.... an analogue stick has to have both variable direction and variable tilt in it.... otherwise it is a digital stick.

Just going by what it says in wikipedia. I'm not at all tech saavy but i assume it's accurate as these controllers are still around.

In 1982 Atari released the first controller with a potentiometer-based analog stick[2] for their Atari 5200 home console. However, the non-centering joystick design proved to be ungainly and unreliable, alienating many consumers at the time. During that same year, General Consumer Electronics introduced the Vectrex, a vector graphics based system which used a self-centering analog stick, obviously a precursor to the modern design.


This is also interesting. Apparently sony came out with dual analog sticks before nintendo used one with the 64 console.

In 1995, Sony (realizing that analog technology could be useful) created a potentiometer-based analog joystick for use in Flight-Simulation games. The Sony Dual Analog FlightStick featured twin analog sticks and was used in games such as "Descent" to provide a much greater degree of freedom than the typical digital joysticks of the day.

In 1996 Nintendo introduced a thumb-operated control stick on their Nintendo 64 controller. While it was still a digital stick, not an analog one,[3] (one that operated on the same principles as a mechanical computer mouse), the Nintendo 64's Control stick still allowed for a great deal of varying levels of pressure and near-360-degree control, translating into far more precise movements than was possible with a D-pad.



So the N64 came out in 1996.  All of the blurrred out pics in EGM and Gamepro in 1995 showing "Nintendo's top secret controller", those mean nothing.  Nintendo apparently did not have such a controller until approximately four hours before the N64 launch.  Gotcha!  And even though it was called an analog stick for months and months before the launch, it's not an analog stick?

No it was digital, you can follow the link in my post. Sony's flightstick released before the 64 and was announced in 1995 so obviously the 64 controller had nothing to do with it.


Haha, this guy saw the Sony wand/arc comming!

But yeah, when it comes to controls, Sony copies a lot stuff from Nintendo.

Impulsivity said:

Remember how Nintendo pioneered the use of Disc based media in consoles? Oh wait, they stayed with cartridges 5 years past their prime. Pretty sure Sony was the first to use DVD in the PS2, so is the Wii a ripoff?  Reportedly Sony shopped the PS1 to Nintendo and Nintendo told Sony they were crazy and should go away.  That worked out well for big N in the first and second generation of modern games huh?

Remember how Nintendo had an online gaming network that let you play with dozens of other gamers with unique usernames and voice chat? Oh, they still don't have that?

If by gameplay innovations they mean the innovation of remaking the same game from the 80s or early 90s 8 times and leaving 90% of it the same (see Mario kart, Smash bros, New Super Mario Bros etc) then yes, they do indeed own that innovation. I'll take the innovations of games with the scale of movies, interactive drama, customizable level creators and photo realistic graphics thank you very much.

saying that wall of 90% shovelware and retreads that is the Wii section of Best Buy is the innovative future of gaming is like me saying that movies like Twilight are the future of innovative cinema in the US. If thats true heaven help us.

The arrogance of Nintendo with their current slate of decided mediocrity when it comes to games is just maddening.

I'm going to of course catch flack for saying anything bad about Nintendo, but if the PR guy quoted can lead off with calling Sony an inferior copy machine it kind of sets the tone doesn't it?

  This Gen Little Big Planet, Uncharted 2 and Heavy Rain have been as innovative as anything I've seen come from Nintendo in over a decade.

lol..................... Oh wait you were trying to be serious?





        Wii FC: 6440 8298 7583 0720   XBOX GT: WICK1978               PSN: its_the_wick   3DS: 1676-3747-7846                                          Nintendo Network: its-the-wick

Systems I've owned: Atari 2600, NES, SNES, GBColor, N64, Gamecube, PS2, Xbox, GBAdvance, DSlite, PSP, Wii, Xbox360, PS3, 3DS, PSVita, PS4, 3DS XL, Wii U

The best quote I've seen this year:

Angelus said: I'm a moron

I'm sure Sony fans wouldn't hesitate to say the same thing if Nintendo copied Sony at something (i'm not sure what's worth copying though, since everything Sony has was already copied from Nintendo).