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Forums - Gaming Discussion - "Sony copies, we innovate." - Nintendo

Shit just got real, son! You don't f**k with Big N!

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just out of curiosity.

where does the memory card originate from?

I first saw on on a PS1, but Sony isn't credited with creating them. So where do they come from?


Whilst everything he said was true, I liked it better when Nintendo stayed out of the mudslinging.

RolStoppable said:
room414 said:
d21lewis said:

So the N64 came out in 1996.  All of the blurrred out pics in EGM and Gamepro in 1995 showing "Nintendo's top secret controller", those mean nothing.  Nintendo apparently did not have such a controller until approximately four hours before the N64 launch.  Gotcha!  And even though it was called an analog stick for months and months before the launch, it's not an analog stick?

No it was digital, you can follow the link in my post. Sony's flightstick released before the 64 and was announced in 1995 so obviously the 64 controller had nothing to do with it.

Anyone who looked at the picture of the FlightStick would know that it had nothing to do with the N64 controller.

EDIT: Taken from the source for Nintendo's digital analog stick:

And by showing off the new controller with a polished (but not complete) version ofMario 64, Nintendo showed the killer app that made the thumbstick more than a gimmick. Sony and Sega saw the writing on the wall: next generation meant 3D, and 3D meant analog. They immediately set out to create analog joysticks for their consoles. Sega actually moved so quickly on their design that they beat Nintendo to market in the US (though not worldwide).

Conclusion: everybody copied everybody else, including nintendo, making improvements each time till we have what we have today.


SaviorX said:
L.C.E.C. said:

 Nintendo UK boss David Yarnton has lashed out at Sony's new motion sensing controller, suggesting that the PlayStation creator has copied Nintendo's ideas - past and present.

Speaking to MCV in the wake of Sony's E3 press conference last week, Yarnton was quick to point out Sony's change of attitude since Nintendo unveiled their motion sensing Wii Controller late last year. "I'd love to dig up some old Phil Harrison comments and say 'hang on a second - six months ago when we launched our controller you said one thing, and now why are you doing this?'" Yarnton thundered. 

Yarnton also slammed the lack of force feedback in Sony's redesigned PS3 controller, blaming patent issues for the omission: "Historically we're always developing new things. We know Sony have had a lot of issues with their rumble feature and they've had to withdraw it - because they didn't innovate, they copied."

Yarnton went on to suggest that Sony has not only followed Nintendo's lead, but copied their ideas in the past: "I don't know what [Sony's] decision making process is but I think if you look back, any innovation that has come in gameplay has come from us," he said. 

"With Nintendo, I'm trying to think of anything we've copied... but I can't," concluded Yarnton. We're sure you'll let him know if they have and what you think of his assertions in the comment section below.


About time the PR wars started again! Although I believe this is a bit troll-ish of NOE... Discuss, por favor.

NOE has said wild things before (they are usually the most blunt) but can you honestly say they are in the wrong here? I like the verbs and adjectives used in this article too; I bolded the good ones. Sounds like he went postal lol

easily, Sony innovated gameplay quite a bit with Buzz and the EyeToy.

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Amazing discussion about being wrong
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CGI-Quality said:
ph4nt said:
I'm sure Sony fans wouldn't hesitate to say the same thing if Nintendo copied Sony at something (i'm not sure what's worth copying though, since everything Sony has was already copied from Nintendo).

I wouldn't say everything. Many of Sony's IPs are pretty original. I agree that other ideas were defintely borrowed from Nintendo, but no company just copies without their own little twist on it (Rmble Contoller on the N64 vs the DualShock).

In many respects, Nintendo are Sony are similar, in that they'll both take a gamble on something different. Difference is, Nintendo is smarter about their business, which is why their pockets are always the fattest at the end of any given generation, despite the marketshare.

Sony's offerings to the industry can't be scoffed at though, no matter how innovative Nintendo is, Sony taught them a thing or two in the past two generations. That very sense of competition drove Nintendo to do something completely different for this gen in the first place and they should be credited for that.

Just like Microsoft this gen, although they may not have as much in the indsutry as Nintendo or Sony ( in terms of properties, studios, assets), you can bet your ass they taught the two Japanese companies a thing or two as well. Natal may just be their entry into areas once only ruled by Nintendo and/or Sony.

The main thing Sony has (had) that Nintendo might have been good to copy is Sony's business model. No I'm not talking abotu selling consoles for a loss, that's stupid. I'm talking about making consoles that are very easy to program for, paying for exclusives, bringing in rules like the 'no late ports can come to the PS2 without making improvements'


That said, the Wii is easy to program for, and the PS3 difficult, so they made progress on one aspect. They're also co-operating a lot with 3rd parties, such as helping out Sega with several games and co-operating with team ninja etc

RolStoppable said:
room414 said:
RolStoppable said:
room414 said:

No it was digital, you can follow the link in my post. Sony's flightstick released before the 64 and was announced in 1995 so obviously the 64 controller had nothing to do with it.

Anyone who looked at the picture of the FlightStick would know that it had nothing to do with the N64 controller.

EDIT: Taken from the source for Nintendo's digital analog stick:

And by showing off the new controller with a polished (but not complete) version ofMario 64, Nintendo showed the killer app that made the thumbstick more than a gimmick. Sony and Sega saw the writing on the wall: next generation meant 3D, and 3D meant analog. They immediately set out to create analog joysticks for their consoles. Sega actually moved so quickly on their design that they beat Nintendo to market in the US (though not worldwide).

Conclusion: everybody copied everybody else, including nintendo, making improvements each time till we have what we have today.

Ah yes, the classic cop-out. It's always better to go with that instead of admitting that Nintendo is the company that brought by far the most innovations to gaming that went on to become a standard.

Btw, the same source points out that Nintendo was indeed the first company to have an analog thumbstick, previous analog sticks were operated differently. That and they were unreliable. So Nintendo didn't copy anything from the Atari 5200 or Vectrex like you originally claimed.

Classic nintendo fan response. Complete denial that nintendo is less than perfect. Whether you like it or not analog sticks predate your precious nintendo. And sony did it before your beloved company.



Truer words were never spoken before.


Amen to that, Nintendo.

u get em Nintendo

Official member of the Xbox 360 Squad

Wow you can tell Nintendo is feeling really threatened and they've resorted to childish remarks like this.

I can't wait till next gen when the PS4 spanks the Wii 2. I still stand by my opinion that if PS3 had launched at $299 with a decent lineup (like it should have) it would be the best selling console right now.