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Forums - Gaming Discussion - "Sony copies, we innovate." - Nintendo

"I don't know what [Sony's] decision making process is" if we are talking about move and eye. well I have been watching this with great interest for some time.  sony made the eyetoy, and released it.  they struggled to get third party support and couldn't get it and even the first party's didn't make much.  so the r&d team started working on the interface. they figured that getting the device to recognise objects could allow for more fun and more control for the user. 

pom pom game for ps2 eyetoy:

eyetoy recognising coloured ball 

tank game ps3 ps eye:

they continued to play about with it and figured you would need to get it to do really cool stuff they would have to look at depth, and there is also problems with lighting and getting a round the need for a object.  sound like anything to you.

eyetoy demonstration a lot of facts about camera development, depth is about 5 mins in. 
project natal running on ps2 

then microsoft buys over 3dv systems, the technology was beyond there reach and there rival was likely to use it against them but they new the disadvantages and they new controllers could get around it.  by this stage nintendo had its controller released but (i am assuming) there was away around this, probably the way it works.  it would give them the advantage of having the controller and the camera tech.  i feel they were forced to retreat from project natal, sony says they looked down that road and said it wasn't worth the hassle (not exact quoting).  so now they take the advantages of there work in all area apart from depth which they need a controller for and are releasing ps move.

this is how i think they got to a controller. 

correct me if I am wrong
stop me if I am bias
I love a good civilised debate (but only if we can learn something).


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^ All that means nothing, really. The Move and sub-controller is a blatant rip of the Wiimote and nunchuk. Doesn't matter how many youtube vids you come with.

Kenology said:
^ All that means nothing, really. The Move and sub-controller is a blatant rip of the Wiimote and nunchuk. Doesn't matter how many youtube vids you come with.

did you read what i said in the last paragraph it basically agrees with you, and sony mentioned nintendo at the gdc thing because they are very similar pieces of tech

correct me if I am wrong
stop me if I am bias
I love a good civilised debate (but only if we can learn something).


Maynard_Tool said:
CGI-Quality said:
Maynard_Tool said:
CGI-Quality said:
Maynard_Tool said:
wenlan said:

"With Nintendo, I'm trying to think of anything we've copied... but I can't"

Did you forget about the Snes controller? It came before these 2....


OT: Well, nothing but the thruth. 2006 2010... is all the same. IT applies perfectly =)

It's the Dual-Analog he's pointing out. Sony created that, though it was a variation of the original rumble controller (N64 Controller) which was Immersion's technology.

Like you said, Nintendo put the analog.... Sony went on to put one after... and just add another one. I don't now how is that creating.

Depends on how you look at it.

LEt's say I look at it this way:


Nintendo came out with the analog stick... then sony went on to put it in the controller, with an extra analog stick. For me, that's not really creating something, b/c in the same way,I could just say that by adding extra buttons any company could create something new.


It's just my way to look at it.


Twistedpixel: Thanks for answering my question. I knew the ps1 wasn't the first one to come out with that

Well if you compair adding an analod stick to adding a button why not 3 or 4?  I think going for two was a big thing as has become pretty standard in most controllers.  How about the location of the 2 nitendo had them off set before but for the classic controller went to the parrallel. 

ot  It's funny how this is about the sixaxis and the controller not having rumble then having it notthing to do with the new controllers.  Some things though if only one company could use it there wouldn't be much of an alternative.  keep hearing people mention the dpad.  Since the dpad came around all companies use them just not the + like nintendo owns.  sony takes the middle out others have added the full circle around it or bysected it.   For those complaining about the ps controller being like the nes one, who then went off an did a weird controller when they didn't need to?  what was up with the n64 controller?  at least the ps controller from the snes one was progressing making it easier to hold adding the two analog sticks two shoulder pads per side. 

Relax, Nintendo.

You're not the only one in the industry.

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this article must be 3 years old? there talking about the sixaxis not move

^ Still applies today though.

Lord Flashheart said:
redspear said:
Lord Flashheart said:

I don't thik it's fair to say that without wii you wouldn't have Natal or move. Without N64 you wouldn't have dual analogue etc.
You would have them, maybe not so soon or in their current forms but someone eventually would have done it.

That's not to take anything away from people who did it first.

Firstly the CD32 came out in 1993 the PC-Engine(turbografx) CD came out in 1987.

Secondly, I think it is fair to say that Sony does not like changing its controllers much. They are using the same form they have for years. MS has shown the same pattern. Nintendo and Sega both routinely altered their controllers through generations.

I also think its fair to say the implementations of analog sticks, Rumble, and Motion controls have all come shortly after Nintendo showed they were popular or effective to the mainstream.


Hence if Nintendo didn't do it you would not be seeing it in todays consoles. Maybe perhaps Sega would of done it.

Didn't realise the turbo gfx was that old. Still why no love for the Amiga CD32?

And if Ninty didn't do it someone else would have.

Not really. There isn't much evidence that either Sony or MS would radical change input on their own. And the types of changes that were made could of been anything. If there was another innovator they could of introduced stuff like capacitive handles or what not instead. The point is their inclusion had more to with designing rather then just implementing evolving technologies which is something ever console manufacture has to do.


As I said look at the Dual Shock 3 it is the same as the original Playstation controller with the inclusion of technology used by Nintendo and Sega. That is the sign of a company that will not take risks. MS entered fully planning to integrate Online gaming they hired a Sega VP to do so beause of the Dreamcast. The Controller is based off the Dreamcast controller and so forth.


There is nothing to show that with Just Sony and MS you would have had controllers evolve at the rate they did. Where Nintendo at least changed their button layout for these least innovative controller. the other two company's appeared content.


Edit: The Amiga was a legendary computer system that was way ahead of its time. Its biggest contribution was the implementation ofColor magic(16 bit color) which was developed by an Israeli company. Its sound software was off the wall for the time, Lightwave made all other computer animation programs look insignificant and it was the perfect example of how a closed Hardware software system can reach heights above that of a closed system in terms of performance. No other computer system has come close to replicating that truly walled garden approach.


that said the Amiga CD32 was total junk but now is a collectors item.

It was junk. I need to finish Simon the Sorcerer.
My point was these changes would happen if not a bit (or lot) later.

dirkd2323 said:
Nintendo is feeling threatened it seems like to me, Everybody used others ideas in this market betters it in some way, That is technology, Sony was the first to use Disc based drives in consoles, Why Nintendo wanted to keep cartrage, ounce they saw Sons success with Disc base console, Nintendos next console was Disc based, Sony was the First to put DVD player in there console, now look at how many do the same. Nintendo can say what they want, the bottom line is now You can have the best of both worlds, Killer graphics and gameplay, Bluray, Wifi, DVD, Dolby Digital, and a Motion controller in one system, Nintendo hates that because they know they will loose market share.

Actually NEC was the first with there turbografx 16 cd add on in 1990 I think it was and then sega in 1992 so sony definately wasn't the first on that.

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