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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - What sports are you PRO in on Wii sports?

Bark said:
TWRoO said:
@bark....another impressive basball score, it seems most people just dont 'get' baseball (like me) but some people really excell.


There are only 2 tricks to getting a high score in baseball (If you want to know).

 1.  After ~2000, you only get points if you get the computer to lose by way of mercy rule in the first inning.

 2.  When pitching to the best team (Sakura's team), throw slower inside fastballs to get them to foul off 2 strikes and then get them with the splitter.  I have yet to get a member of Sakura's team to strike out on a curveball or a screwball. 

If you are having trouble hitting, there isn't much I can say other than purposely foul off borderline pitches and let the computer walk you now and then.  The more pitches she throws the more tired she gets.  The CPU will throw slow fastballs right over the plate after he/she gets tired.  The game is at its most fun when you can swing away, but solo homers don't add up as quickly as a 3 run homer or grand slam.

 IMHO baseball is the most fun sport to play by yourself.  In multiplayer, it is the worst.   

good advice bark.  The Computer will usually blast curveballs and fastballs for homers.  Be careful throwing the splitter as at times it will not break and the results are often a homerun for the Computer.

FYI ; once your rank gets high enough, it is not enough to just mercy rule the Computer.  You have to down right clobber them to have any hope of improving your score (win by 8+ runs while allowing your oppenent to score none.)

*I've lost interest in playing baseball in wii-sports due to the awsomeness that it MLB Power Pros.

Around the Network
bluesinG said:
Tennis: 2018
Baseball: 2023
Bowling: 1230
Golf: 1411
Boxing: 2637

Tennis and boxing are my favorites.

phenomenal score in boxing BTW.