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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Why is there soo much negativity in any 360 related thread?

This site is super PS3 heavy... especially when considering the number of consoles actually owned... the fanboyism for PS3 is ridiculous.

For instance, just reading the comments on MAG... sales fell short of their predictions by about half on average, and suddenly they are all saying it has very good sales... so funny. I'm pretty new to the forums and stuff but i have noticed this for a long time... just based on the voting and the number of hits games get compared to the sales. I'm also new to console gaming... the 360 is my first console ever and I got it the week Gears of War 2 came out.

Both are great consoles, and if I had enough money to afford a huge plasma and sound system, I would get the PS3 for its blu rays, but the 360 has made me happy and I haven't had any problems.

I think it's just that the 360 has sold more, and like any stupid fanboys, they come up with every excuse why what they like isn't doing as well as they hoped or thought it would, and bash the competition so it doesn't look as good.

Most of the PS3 owners probably don't even care, and therefore, don't post. But it only takes a dozen or so to make it seem like they are all haters. It's like playing online and being called derogatory names for no reason by little 15 year olds... some people are just dumb.


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maybe it is because the 360 thread usually try and tout how much better they are then PS3 which drives the sony fan boys crazy especially when the thread is wrong

it's simple. people on this website jerk off the ps3s instead of women.

HanzoTheRazor said:
Unfortunatly it is because of all the Hate and bashing the PS3 got in it's first 2 years. Do you remember the countless PS3 is finished/doomed threads there was before the price cut rumers last year?

What goes around comes around, just a lot harder. People are just very slow learners I guess.

Poor excuse. You're acting as if sony fans were all quiet and this only started because of 360 fans.

You conviently forget how arrogant sony fans were. You forget how sony fans thought this gen was theirs because of, oh I don't know, the PS2. All the arrogant comments by sony which were repeated verbatim by sony fans. All the hate towards Xbox and GC owners the gen before that carried into this gen or do you think Nintendo fans got a free pass? I'm sure anyone who bought a wii and wanted to talk about it online were free from comments from sony fans.

The fact that sony were market leaders for 2 gens didn't affect it's owners mentality?

Poor excuse.

cmeese47 said:
maybe it is because the 360 thread usually try and tout how much better they are then PS3 which drives the sony fan boys crazy especially when the thread is wrong

You mean like the Metro 2033 that made NO MENTION of the PS3 or any PS3 games in the OP, but 2 post in had someone attacking it?

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selnor said:
I think people need to stop with it. It's ruining this site immensely.

There was a comment I disagreed with just tonight in the Sony forums. I PM'd the person in question, as to not derail that thread with 360 fanboy outcomes. If you dont believe me ask CGI. IT was him I PM'd.

IF I'm considered what is the most exastive 360 fan on here and I dont troll Sony forums with games I'm likely never to buy, then why do so many PS fans do it. Hell those loads of Sony threads I disagree with. But you dont se me trolling every Sony thread.

Every single 360 thread gets I reckon 70% posts from Sony fans with no intention of ever buying the game. So why comment? The threads get derailed and then locked by some random mod. Why have the mods not spotted this?

Something needs to change, because it's getting as bad as the GAF.

You of all people should not be the one to talk....most of your the gfx of this game is da best evah threads are full of troll bait and Selnor imo is one of the reasons for this whole situation...and I am tlaking about recent activity as I am relatively I 'might' be wrong but that's just my impression

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NoPantsHoSlappa said:
it's simple. people on this website jerk off the ps3s instead of women.

You know cuz you have been watching them amirite? :P


but seriosuly in a serious discussion like this comments like this are just so counter productive

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CGI-Quality said:
Lord Flashheart said:
CGI-Quality said:
jesus kung fu magic said:
CGI-Quality said:
Reminds me when the PS3 was on it's down side. These things happen.

Your thinking about the media, that was a different issue. There has never been a time on this site where every ps3 thread was hi-jacked straight to hell so consistently.

Every 360 thread isn't hi-jacked either, but these things DO happen. Before mid-2009, the PS3 was the laughing stock of the industry and many threads here reflected that.

Again, I'm not defending it. But to pretend it only happens with regards to the 360 is inaccurate.

Nobody is pretending it happens only to 360 threads or to every single 360 thread but to say it also happens to sony or ninty (which it does) as if it even comes close to level it does on the MS board is missing the point entirely and marginalising what happens.

Saying look it happened here and plucking one example out of the air like people on here do when someone brings this topic up doesn't mean it matches or is on the same scale. The fact this topic comes up so often shows it is a bigger issue on the MS boards then elsewhere.

You will always get problem makers on all sides and threads wont be trouble free. You have to accept some of it as it does happen but when it gets out of hand and many times mostly to one group questions need to be asked.

That is the impression exhibited, whether or not it's the intention. That's why these types of threads are pointless, it happens on all sides and there won't be a common ground reached here.

Again, you guys need to enjoy the games and let this shit be. It's not worth it.

Had that been the case I would have said "only" instead of "soo much" in the thread title, there is a vast difference between the percentages of threads gone to hell between the 360 and ps3.

I think selnor is the perfect analogy for this(lol no offense selnor)......every single time he posts a thread or just posts , it is open season for the other camp.He either gets rediculed , and the thread eventually becomes "lol not again selnor." Now you might be thinking that hey he put it on himself and to some degrees I agree with you but what about the blatent hypocrisy this piece of evidence brings to the table? There are just as worst offenders than selnor on this site and even some that are even worse from the other camp , so I ask you ......why arent they just as infamous as selnor? Why arent they rediculed with every created thread they make?.....why you ask? Because the camp they come from is one and the same and that is the vast majority , so it becomes the norm on this site.

You could also make the arguement that its the kind of "the enemy has a face' sort of situation as selnor seems to be the only one posting 36- positive news.

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CGI-Quality said:
Lord Flashheart said:

Nobody is pretending it happens only to 360 threads or to every single 360 thread but to say it also happens to sony or ninty (which it does) as if it even comes close to level it does on the MS board is missing the point entirely and marginalising what happens.

Saying look it happened here and plucking one example out of the air like people on here do when someone brings this topic up doesn't mean it matches or is on the same scale. The fact this topic comes up so often shows it is a bigger issue on the MS boards then elsewhere.

You will always get problem makers on all sides and threads wont be trouble free. You have to accept some of it as it does happen but when it gets out of hand and many times mostly to one group questions need to be asked.

That is the impression exhibited, whether or not it's the intention. That's why these types of threads are pointless, it happens on all sides and there won't be a common ground reached here.

Again, you guys need to enjoy the games and let this shit be. It's not worth it.

You're missing the point. It happens and will. You can't get rid of it 100%. The point is it happens to 360 threads on a far greater scale than the others.

And why can't someone in the MS threads ask why it happens to MS threads?

heruamon said:
cmeese47 said:
maybe it is because the 360 thread usually try and tout how much better they are then PS3 which drives the sony fan boys crazy especially when the thread is wrong

You mean like the Metro 2033 that made NO MENTION of the PS3 or any PS3 games in the OP, but 2 post in had someone attacking it?

Do you mean the one where it was compared to Fallout 3... Or did i miss something?