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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Why is there soo much negativity in any 360 related thread?

CGI-Quality said:
selnor said:
CGI-Quality said:
selnor said:
M.U.G.E.N said:
selnor said:
I think people need to stop with it. It's ruining this site immensely.

There was a comment I disagreed with just tonight in the Sony forums. I PM'd the person in question, as to not derail that thread with 360 fanboy outcomes. If you dont believe me ask CGI. IT was him I PM'd.

IF I'm considered what is the most exastive 360 fan on here and I dont troll Sony forums with games I'm likely never to buy, then why do so many PS fans do it. Hell those loads of Sony threads I disagree with. But you dont se me trolling every Sony thread.

Every single 360 thread gets I reckon 70% posts from Sony fans with no intention of ever buying the game. So why comment? The threads get derailed and then locked by some random mod. Why have the mods not spotted this?

Something needs to change, because it's getting as bad as the GAF.

You of all people should not be the one to talk....most of your the gfx of this game is da best evah threads are full of troll bait and Selnor imo is one of the reasons for this whole situation...and I am tlaking about recent activity as I am relatively I 'might' be wrong but that's just my impression

WTF? Seriousy this comment is exactly whats wrong with the site now. There is at least 100 more best PS3 gfx games threads on here with no trolling. Sitting happily in the Sony forums.But when a 360 one opens with actual reviewer or technical backing, it's trolled to high heaven. It's all because Sony shouted a false promise to it's fan. And one they have all run with from day one.Until you see that, this site will stay the same.

I really hate to do this, because I really planned on leaving this subject after my last post, but would you elaborate on what they lied about?

Ok. From day one, Sony have touted and touted about more power than the competition. M$ made one rebutle in 2006 against Sony's comments of more power, showing why 360 was more pwerful in a hugely detailed way. Now outside of Sony and M$ third party developers have said +'s for either console being more powerful. Some say 360 some say PS3. But Sony really touted the Cell like crazy. Even though we stand in 2010 with 2 games getting tremendous nods for graphics on both consoles ( and I'm talking about the best comments for tech and graphics ) it would seem niether is out of touch with each other. And 4 years into PS3's life, it would appear not to be ahead powerwise.

What am I basing it off? Third party opinions of the consoles ( outside of comapnies with a vested interest in either console ) and media for games.

Really? 3rd Parties such as Id Tech 5 & Crytek, two of the most tech driven in existence (and two of the devs that people such as yourself  & RAZurrection use as references with graphics discussions), have agreed that the PS3 has more raw power, but that's besides the point. Unless you can factually prove that Sony somehow falsified their statements, you can't say what promises were broken.

One things for sure selnor, you use reviews as the template when judging graphics and right now, reviews are giving the nod to the PS3.

Ok. Your take. But I can equally see ID Tech 5 and Crytek interviews suggesting the 360 has more power. The lead programmer on Crytek told in a video interview " PS3 being the weaker of the 3, you know the 360 and PC, it took longer to get the most out of it. However we now have it running on a par with the others.

Like I said, Third parties are split. And yeah many reviews side with MAss Effect2. So 2010 started with a lean towards 360. GOW3 will take some back. But what happens when Alan Wake heaves it over this way? People will ignore it and continue as normal saying the 360 has less power.

It's this that is exactly what this site has become.

It wasnt always this bad.

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Carl2291 said:
jesus kung fu magic said:

Another piece of evidence that proves my point....when there was an adjustment to the ps3 sales there was madness going through the forums, so much so that it got to the point where ioi had to make a thread about it.

Do you remember anything of the nature happen to the 360 fans when there was an

In fairness... The numbers after adjustments looked stupid. And then they were adjusted back the next week.

Thats not the point.....there were adjustments every holiday a system had a price cut. Last year the 360 was adjusted down and the adjusted back somewhat and nothing of the sort happened then compared to what happened this past holiday.

N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!!!

RAZurrection said:
CGI-Quality said:

Really? 3rd Parties such as Id Tech 5 & Crytek, two of the most tech driven in existence (and two of the devs that people such as yourself  & RAZurrection use as references with graphics discussions), have agreed that the PS3 has more raw power, but that's besides the point. Unless you can factually prove that Sony somehow falsified their statements, you can't say what promises were broken.

One things for sure selnor, you use reviews as the template when judging graphics and right now, reviews are giving the nod to the PS3.

Yeah, see here's another problem, there's links and articles available which state the direct opposite, but you treat it like it's fact.

This is part of the crux of it, 360 performs better for what, 97-98% of all games?

1 PS3 game comes along that looks good for an intermittant period and it's the standard, when a 360 title comes along and they say it raises the bar in console graphics (see the Crysis 2 thread) it's quickly turned around to either PC shots or that it's not the 360 at all, it's the PS3.

If you take a look at things...

If a game is developed on 360, then ported to PS3... The chances are it looks better on 360. If a game is developed on PS3, then ported to 360... The chances are it looks better on PS3.

When it comes to exclusives though... There isn't a doubt that PS3 exclusives have been the best looking games on the (console) market this gen. I just need to point you towards Killzone 2, Uncharted 2 and Heavy Rain. Then the upcoming God of War 3 and Gran Turismo 5...


Nightwish224 said:
You can't praise the 360 without being bashed. It's as simple as that.

right with opening statement's like this:

Dear Microsoft,

The only reason I was ever going to purchase a PS3 was for Final Fantasy XIII. Then E3 2008 happened. Who can forget that one? People were steaming with anger, the internet exploded 3 times, yet my face had illuminated with joy. Your company had ultimately saved me money from ever purchasing a PS3 at their outrageous price. I knew right then and there I made the best choice for an HD console purchase, which was your Microsoft Xbox 360 Elite console. I just want to thank you again. Tonight, me and many others will be playing the former golden exclusive that PS3 owners touted about.


once again:


and you wonder why?

praising the xbox360 is one thing, making the thread to invite knowing that your statement is:


and you wonder why?


100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.

Any thread that becomes popular can turn bad no matter what section its in.

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joeorc said:
Nightwish224 said:
You can't praise the 360 without being bashed. It's as simple as that.

right with opening statement's like this:

Dear Microsoft,

The only reason I was ever going to purchase a PS3 was for Final Fantasy XIII. Then E3 2008 happened. Who can forget that one? People were steaming with anger, the internet exploded 3 times, yet my face had illuminated with joy. Your company had ultimately saved me money from ever purchasing a PS3 at their outrageous price. I knew right then and there I made the best choice for an HD console purchase, which was your Microsoft Xbox 360 Elite console. I just want to thank you again. Tonight, me and many others will be playing the former golden exclusive that PS3 owners touted about.


once again:


and you wonder why?

praising the xbox360 is one thing, making the thread to invite knowing that your statement is:


and you wonder why?

You do know what that was a response to right? Mind showing the past 10 threads saying that the ps3 version is superior to the 360?

N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!!!

selnor said:
CGI-Quality said:
selnor said:
CGI-Quality said:
selnor said:
M.U.G.E.N said:
selnor said:
I think people need to stop with it. It's ruining this site immensely.

There was a comment I disagreed with just tonight in the Sony forums. I PM'd the person in question, as to not derail that thread with 360 fanboy outcomes. If you dont believe me ask CGI. IT was him I PM'd.

IF I'm considered what is the most exastive 360 fan on here and I dont troll Sony forums with games I'm likely never to buy, then why do so many PS fans do it. Hell those loads of Sony threads I disagree with. But you dont se me trolling every Sony thread.

Every single 360 thread gets I reckon 70% posts from Sony fans with no intention of ever buying the game. So why comment? The threads get derailed and then locked by some random mod. Why have the mods not spotted this?

Something needs to change, because it's getting as bad as the GAF.

You of all people should not be the one to talk....most of your the gfx of this game is da best evah threads are full of troll bait and Selnor imo is one of the reasons for this whole situation...and I am tlaking about recent activity as I am relatively I 'might' be wrong but that's just my impression

WTF? Seriousy this comment is exactly whats wrong with the site now. There is at least 100 more best PS3 gfx games threads on here with no trolling. Sitting happily in the Sony forums.But when a 360 one opens with actual reviewer or technical backing, it's trolled to high heaven. It's all because Sony shouted a false promise to it's fan. And one they have all run with from day one.Until you see that, this site will stay the same.

I really hate to do this, because I really planned on leaving this subject after my last post, but would you elaborate on what they lied about?

Ok. From day one, Sony have touted and touted about more power than the competition. M$ made one rebutle in 2006 against Sony's comments of more power, showing why 360 was more pwerful in a hugely detailed way. Now outside of Sony and M$ third party developers have said +'s for either console being more powerful. Some say 360 some say PS3. But Sony really touted the Cell like crazy. Even though we stand in 2010 with 2 games getting tremendous nods for graphics on both consoles ( and I'm talking about the best comments for tech and graphics ) it would seem niether is out of touch with each other. And 4 years into PS3's life, it would appear not to be ahead powerwise.

What am I basing it off? Third party opinions of the consoles ( outside of comapnies with a vested interest in either console ) and media for games.

Really? 3rd Parties such as Id Tech 5 & Crytek, two of the most tech driven in existence (and two of the devs that people such as yourself  & RAZurrection use as references with graphics discussions), have agreed that the PS3 has more raw power, but that's besides the point. Unless you can factually prove that Sony somehow falsified their statements, you can't say what promises were broken.

One things for sure selnor, you use reviews as the template when judging graphics and right now, reviews are giving the nod to the PS3.

Ok. Your take. But I can equally see ID Tech 5 and Crytek interviews suggesting the 360 has more power. The lead programmer on Crytek told in a video interview " PS3 being the weaker of the 3, you know the 360 and PC, it took longer to get the most out of it. However we now have it running on a par with the others.

Like I said, Third parties are split. And yeah many reviews side with MAss Effect2. So 2010 started with a lean towards 360. GOW3 will take some back. But what happens when Alan Wake heaves it over this way? People will ignore it and continue as normal saying the 360 has less power.

It's this that is exactly what this site has become.

It wasnt always this bad.

here is the real point. you are trying to use multi-platform developed game's to prove your point, when microsoft 1st party game's which should be taking advantage of the xbox360's hardware is not.

 why is that?

the recent post of your's talked about how the unreal engine was not taking full advantage of the xbox360's hardware?

so why has Microsoft not made an game engine to take advantage of the xbox360's hardware?

where is Microsoft's 1st party Game engine's that show off what the xbox360 can do?


100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.

Xxain said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

The PS3 was the laughing stock of the gaming industry for good reason; Sony wasn't focused on gaming and it showed (because in truth they don't give a damn about gaming). As far as the 360's concerned, Microsoft has done so much wrong, yet did so much more right and compared to Sony, they've done leaps and bounds more for the gaming community inspiring Sony to follow suit this gen. Nintendo has done their share this gen with innovation of tech which has inspired both Microsoft and Nintendo. I was an admittedly blind Sony loyalist last gen, but eventually after taking economy class I realized it's pointless to focus so much on a brand company as they are less about gaming and are more about controlling true gaming companies which make the games. Nintendo is the only true gaming company that makes systems and makes the games from the inside.

Sony fanboys jump on Microsoft like they stole something from the industry, when they are just as relevant, if not more than Sony if you think about it as a whole (and not just their vendetta with Sony). This gen has proven that Microsoft can make sure their community gets quality games in bulk and keep them coming for a full year unlike last gen, where you received a good game once in a while. Microsoft is basically in essence the PS2 of this gen because of their ability to pull in so many games from so many 3rd party devs but actually are majorly responsible for the huge turn in PC games showing up on consoles. In essence they have more genres. Next gen might show off something different, but as far as this gen Sony is doing better, but nothing has changed for Microsoft whom has remained steadfast this gen. This is what Sony fanboys cannot stand. After God of War 3 releases the PS3 will have a severe drought until GT5 comes out at the end of the year.

uughh... did you just say SONY doesn't give damn about gaming? They lose 4 billion PS3 and get moving, They continue to push superd quality games even when they might not hold any return, Theve constructed countless studio's to make sure they get that quality, thats just a few I mean how is that the face of of company that doesn't give a damn about gaming?

Well it's true that Sony didn't care about gaming early this gen. All they cared about was their pushing blu-gays to gain market share and win the format war. They relied on brand loyalty. I mean come on, just look at the comments they made like: "We have built up a certain brand equity over time since the launch of PlayStation in 1995 and PS2 in 2000 that the first five million are going to buy it, whatever it is, even [if] it didn't have games,"

Does that sound like something a company that gives a damn about gaming would say? I admire that Sony reallized their mistakes and did a 180 with the PS3.

jesus kung fu magic said:
joeorc said:
Nightwish224 said:
You can't praise the 360 without being bashed. It's as simple as that.

right with opening statement's like this:

Dear Microsoft,

The only reason I was ever going to purchase a PS3 was for Final Fantasy XIII. Then E3 2008 happened. Who can forget that one? People were steaming with anger, the internet exploded 3 times, yet my face had illuminated with joy. Your company had ultimately saved me money from ever purchasing a PS3 at their outrageous price. I knew right then and there I made the best choice for an HD console purchase, which was your Microsoft Xbox 360 Elite console. I just want to thank you again. Tonight, me and many others will be playing the former golden exclusive that PS3 owners touted about.


once again:


and you wonder why?

praising the xbox360 is one thing, making the thread to invite knowing that your statement is:


and you wonder why?

You do know what that was a response to right? Mind showing the past 10 threads saying that the ps3 version is superior to the 360?

and why does he have to sink down to that level?

maturity is one thing, being silly to not think your thread will not get slammed is another


100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.

jesus kung fu magic said:
Chairman-Mao said:
examples please? Not much of a thread without any evidence.

How long have you been on this site.

Since January 09. I know 360 fans are outnumbered on this site but I wouldn't say there's always negativity in their threads.