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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Why is there soo much negativity in any 360 related thread?

Actually its funny, the Wii owners ought to feel the most put out right about now. I would suggest that they do indeed suffer the most and their system earns few accolades and even those rightfully earnt achieve little fanfare.

Do you know what its like to live on the far side of Uranus?

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You can't praise the 360 without being bashed. It's as simple as that.

Everyone needs to play Lost Odyssey! Any opposition to this and I will have to just say, "If it's a fight you want, you got it!"

leo-j said:

Reminds me of gametrailers.. how a thread may start off well discussing an "issue" and then it quickly turns into a fanboy war..

I think the OP has a point, there are more ps3s fans here.. but there are also good 360 posters, while there may be alot of bad ps3 posters.

The thing is, not everyone is going to agree with you, and as long as they offer a VALID ARGUMENT, there is no reason to be so mad about anything. Problem is, that when you are wrong, you think the entire world is against you.

It's not only here and gametrailers.. Basically almost any website/forum is like that (not counting X360 specific websites or X360 exclusive game websites). Maybe Youtube is the worst.

@CGI: Well, Sony's focus has been about graphics since they announced the PS3. They have been promising major graphics the whole time, and still are. The main focus of the X360 has clearly been on community. That's a big difference right there, and well, let's just say that the amount of hype being put into the PS3 graphics are not reflected in the games. Sure, some games have stuff not seen on the X360, but it's still not like night and day, and therefore the graphics do not justify all the boasting going on from Sony's side.. And that is reflected in the users/fans of the PS3 as well. And to me it seems as if people are being rhetorical towards the PS3 graphics, in other words, giving speeches to persuade...

Truth does not fear investigation

joeorc said:
selnor said:
WTF? Seriousy this comment is exactly whats wrong with the site now. There is at least 100 more best PS3 gfx games threads on here with no trolling. Sitting happily in the Sony forums.But when a 360 one opens with actual reviewer or technical backing, it's trolled to high heaven. It's all because Sony shouted a false promise to it's fan. And one they have all run with from day one.Until you see that, this site will stay the same.


and right there is your answer,

A false promise, HOW SO?

currently game's like Uncharted 2, Metal GEAR SOLID: 4, Resistance fall of man.

How has that been a false promise to it's fan's?

Wasn't there that 2 Teraflop claim? Supercomputer on a chip? I think there were others, is that what hes talking about? :/

Do you know what its like to live on the far side of Uranus?

Another piece of evidence that proves my point....when there was an adjustment to the ps3 sales there was madness going through the forums, so much so that it got to the point where ioi had to make a thread about it.

Do you remember anything of the nature happen to the 360 fans when there was an

N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!!!

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CGI-Quality said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
CGI-Quality said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
CGI-Quality said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

The PS3 was the laughing stock of the gaming industry for good reason; Sony wasn't focused on gaming and it showed (because in truth they don't give a damn about gaming). As far as the 360's concerned, Microsoft has done so much wrong, yet did so much more right and compared to Sony, they've done leaps and bounds more for the gaming community inspiring Sony to follow suit this gen. Nintendo has done their share this gen with innovation of tech which has inspired both Microsoft and Nintendo. I was an admittedly blind Sony loyalist last gen, but eventually after taking economy class I realized it's pointless to focus so much on a brand company as they are less about gaming and are more about controlling true gaming companies which make the games. Nintendo is the only true gaming company that makes systems and makes the games from the inside.

Sony fanboys jump on Microsoft like they stole something from the industry, when they are just as relevant, if not more than Sony if you think about it as a whole (and not just their vendetta with Sony). This gen has proven that Microsoft can make sure their community gets quality games in bulk and keep them coming for a full year unlike last gen, where you received a good game once in a while. Microsoft is basically in essence the PS2 of this gen because of their ability to pull in so many games from so many 3rd party devs but actually are majorly responsible for the huge turn in PC games showing up on consoles. In essence they have more genres. Next gen might show off something different, but as far as this gen Sony is doing better, but nothing has changed for Microsoft whom has remained steadfast this gen. This is what Sony fanboys cannot stand. After God of War 3 releases the PS3 will have a severe drought until GT5 comes out at the end of the year.

Now you just sound like you have a personal vendetta with Sony. You would have thought they killed a member of your family.

Enjoy the games people, damn.

I don't have a vendetta with Sony. I focus on Sony's every move that  is made public enough for gamers to see, yet ignore. While they ignore I keep things in mind. Sony always got the benefit of the doubt because of their third party dominance. I could tell you about a convo I had with a Sony fanboy friend of mine. I am a fanboy of no brand, but I do give emphasis on the negatives and positives of a company and what they've been doing.  I don't know why that is such a problem. If you think what I am saying is wrong just call me out on it so I can give specifics.

You do as you please, but don't expect the same in return from fans of other consoles. The way you keep an eye on Sony's every move, many gamers do it with Nintendo and Microsoft. I'm saying something simple, be fair. Don't pretend that Sony is the only compamny with dirt on their hands, or that the Sony fanbase is the only set of people that are "blind" and/or "trouble makers". Since you can't take care of every type of fan, I say let it be and enjoy games.

Why bicker about something you have absolutely no power over? Sony fans & Sony themselves aren't going to change because you, S.T.A.G.E., have an issue.

If I attacked every naysayer of HEAVY RAIN, I'd be attacking an entire army. Not worth it when I could be doing onbe better to show support for the game, devs, publishers: playing them.

It's sad that gamers take this shit so damn seriously, enough to turn it into a democracy. Who gives a shit what people think, play and enjoy what's there. It's no wonder why fans of other medias consider video gamers "laughing stock-geeks of entertainment".

Yes, I too fall prey to useless debates sometimes, I'm no Saint. But I also have all the consoles and can debate about them reasonably, despite my preference to Sony. At the same time, you won't find me making threads about fans of consoles I don't favor, or belittling those who think different from me. Gaming is far beyond that.

The most important part of what you wrote is the first paragraph, so I will respond to those in parts:

-Green highlight response: I am a fan of no console. I am a will respect the console with the most games.

- Red highlight response: I have called out Microsoft and Nintendo for stupid moves. Seriously....are you going to say they made more mistakes than Sony? Sony proved such a neglect to their fans. Of course it goes unnoticed because Sony is synonymous with "quality". In truth they are a quality company, but quality is also subjective. If i didn't believe they had quality I wouldn't have a PS3.

- Blue highlight response: I hate to break it to you, but it is a well known fact in the gaming industry that Sony fanboys are the most loyal and the most blind. You could have a logical argument with them, win it and they would still remain in the box.

The rest:

- I am not bickering over something I have no power over. It's also not like I am talking about something which is trivial in nature in the industry. I am a fan of the industry who is currently going to school to break into the industry (but thats another subject). I merely conversate views on said subject from my point of view much like yourself. I understand that I have had heavy criticisms of Sony, but then isn't like Sony didn't ask for it. If it's sad that gamers take things seriously to you, then truth you need to not speak to core gamers. Core gamers "care" about multiple aspects of gaming.

Sony made critical mistakes, no doubt about it, but so what? What have I lost because of it? Nintendo has been arrogant and made mistakes in the past. Microsoft wanted to 1-up Sony and as a result, made crucial mistakes as well. As a gamer, I'm not here to point fingers though, all have provided me with experiences that keep me coming back. The rest is trivial.

I understand your point and you make a valid point. I don't lose sleep because I think one company screwed up more than the other. I have my pros and cons for all systems. It's not really trivial when you are are speaking from a industry stand point.

CGI-Quality said:

Really? 3rd Parties such as Id Tech 5 & Crytek, two of the most tech driven in existence (and two of the devs that people such as yourself  & RAZurrection use as references with graphics discussions), have agreed that the PS3 has more raw power, but that's besides the point. Unless you can factually prove that Sony somehow falsified their statements, you can't say what promises were broken.

One things for sure selnor, you use reviews as the template when judging graphics and right now, reviews are giving the nod to the PS3.

Yeah, see here's another problem, there's links and articles available which state the direct opposite, but you treat it like it's fact.


This is part of the crux of it, 360 performs better for what, 97-98% of all games?


1 PS3 game comes along that looks good for an intermittant period and it's the standard, when a 360 title comes along and they say it raises the bar in console graphics (see the Crysis 2 thread) it's quickly turned around to either PC shots or that it's not the 360 at all, it's the PS3.

leo-j said:

The graphics threads for sony are heavily argued upon by PC GAMERS, you can go to any best graphics thread or what not for PS3, and you will be getting lots of arguments regarding whether or not the game looks better than X game or not.

The reason your threads get derailed is because when you make a thread, you constantly say that X GAME IS THE BEST LOOKING GAME EVER MADE

for example:

FORZA 3 "FORZA IS THE BEST LOOKING RACER NO MATTER WHAT" GT5 clearly opposses that statement, and then you decide to block any form of existence of GT, and if there is a GT, it's bull shots.

That's when you cannot have an arguement and win it, because the person is almost blind. Now had you made a thread like "I BELIEVE FORZA 3 IS THE BEST LOOKING RACER" most people would have come on and developed an arguement against it, and you would have to back up your statement. If you win, then thats great, but if you lose the arguement, you don't have to go on the offensive, I mean wtf was that with CGI saying "SONY BROKE THERE PROMISE" that just proves my point..

I think your missing the point. Their is more threads over the last 2 years in the Sony forums which say x game best graphics ever. But the threads are fine.

It's PS3 fans own fault for having PC gamers up their arses. And Sony's to an extent. Sony fans have always tried to compare grpahics to Crysis. Always. It's like comparing a Ford to a Ferrari in terms of power. Clearly Sony fans think their console is that powerful. Which originated from Sony in the beginning, bigging up one component of the entire PS3 package.

As for my threads which I post. I am clearly not complaining here about threads which I dont have lots of evidence for. I'm refferring to those that have HUGE evidence.

Take this example. IGN said of ME2 " The visuals are miles ahead of the competition"

People went nuts over proving that meant only RPG's or only 360.

The we have IGN say this about GOW3 " at some points GOW3 looks like the best visuals you'll see " or words to that effect.

All of a sudden it's definitive best graohics ever. Even though by the comment it clearly isn't the best graphics ever as an entire game. Just some points.


Well looky what we have here!

I think the most prominent reason for all this internet negativity is that some people don't feel appreciated in life.This is a terrible thing as everyone needs some love every now and then...

I just want you all to know that if you're ever feelin' down and need a hug, I'll always be here for you...

...Except for you leo-j, lady gaga frightens me!!!

jesus kung fu magic said:

Another piece of evidence that proves my point....when there was an adjustment to the ps3 sales there was madness going through the forums, so much so that it got to the point where ioi had to make a thread about it.

Do you remember anything of the nature happen to the 360 fans when there was an

In fairness... The numbers after adjustments looked stupid. And then they were adjusted back the next week.