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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft's Zune Selling out?

Regardless of which corporation you are biased against, having competitors like the Zune on the market is a good thing for us consumers.

The media keeps hyping up the Zune to be the iPod killer which we all know is ridiculous, but that doesn't mean it can't be successful with a smaller part of the market. I believe the Zune was the second place HDD player this year, so it has been mildly successful. Flash players make up the bulk of sales so it was completely ludicrous to think that MS would grab any significant total marketshare without competing in that area. They simply wanted to establish themselves and start to figure out the market. This gen they have flash players out and are becoming a clear alternative to the iPod in a bigger way. Its good to see them having some decent sales - they deserve it.

All in all, I think they are doing well, and I would consider a Zune if I were making a new purchase. Right now I am happy with my iPod, but when it comes time to upgrade, I will be picking up the product that best fills my needs.

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I never understood why people are so brand loyal. Who cares what company makes the device, if one is better than the other buy the one thats best. Does it really matter if microsoft, apple, or sony makes it?

OnlyIsrael said:
OK, I recently purchase a Zune and would like to offer my reasons for this.
1) I never previously owned any mp3 player except my phone. So I wasn't stuck with any brand loyalty by necessity or desire.
2)Zune offered a comprehensive package comparable to ipod; integrated online marketplace, multiple format read etc. I actually wanted to get a Toshiba GigabeatS, they got the best reviews and overall performance specs were the best, but alas, no marketplace.
3)Zune had compelling features the ipod did not. Wireless sharing and FM radio were the big ones for me, plus no itunes BS (my brothers (3) all have ipods and hate itunes with a passion). Sound fidelity was also scored higher with the Zune vs. ipod and I love my fidelity
4)MS offers a 14 free-trial of its unlimited downloads on Zune Marketplace when you buy a Zune. I downloaded 50+ gigs of music. It came in a DRM WMV format but for $20 I bought a DRM WMV to Mp3 file converter and all my music still plays (it stops working if you let your subscription to the unlimited download service expire).
4)Woot sold it to me for $100 vs cost of comparable ipod

With the recent firmware update, I can sync with my network and stream to my Xbox360 wirelessly. It also has podcasts on the marketplace but no movies or TV to my dismay(Zune has a way bigger screen than ipod)

If I had owned an ipod before I would have stuck with them, no reason to switch. But as a first time consumer in this market I went with Zune for the above reasons. However, if Toshiba offered a marketplace I would have definitely bought a GigabeatS.
Maybe theres people out there like me and thats why sales of Zune is doing well in the online market.

If you do your research you will see that the Zune is a Toshiba Gigabeat! The Zune was actually designed by Toshiba.

Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.


3rd Generation Apple iPod Nano for the win....I was debating Wednesday whether to get a iPod or a Zune at Best Buy. I was examing the features for like 30 minutes to an hour. And I came to realize the iPod Nano was simple and easy to configure and is thin as piece of paper. I bought it and loving it since the Wednesday and I also got a 2 year Best Buy Warranty in case any thing happens....

Off-Topic: Best Buy has the best warranties ever!

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Greer said:


Even with factory delays, the fact that the Zune is actually selling enough to sell out at all the major electronics retailers has got to be a good thing for MS. It seems as though their plan might be working, 1st generation test the waters and learn about the market, 2nd generation make a move to take market share. We will see how the 3rd generation of products for MS Entertainment will play out, so far though it seems like they are improving generation to generation with both the XBOX and the Zune.

They've had a lot of a problems producing the 80GB models. It hasn't been released in any sort of volume yet, as far as I know. 

No one cares about the Zune.  There are a huge pile of MP3 players much nicer than the Zune on the market right now.

I'm debating on getting a mp3 player and I know that I don't want a iPod. It's the whole attitude that apple users give that turn me off to the product as well as the iTunes software the irritates me.

So, right now I'm thinking of picking up a Zune. I saw a 30gb Zune (last gen I believe) for $99 at Costco. What's the difference between the last gen and the newest gen Zune? Which would you get?


Get your Portable ID!


My pokemon brings all the nerds to the yard. And they're like, "You wanna trade cards?" Damn right, I wanna trade cards. I'll trade this, but not my charizard.

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I almost bought a Zune last night/this morning. $99 for a 30 GB Zune at Radio Shack? Hell yeah!

But I really don't need a media player right now...I wouldn't use it much, so I passed.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

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