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Regardless of which corporation you are biased against, having competitors like the Zune on the market is a good thing for us consumers.

The media keeps hyping up the Zune to be the iPod killer which we all know is ridiculous, but that doesn't mean it can't be successful with a smaller part of the market. I believe the Zune was the second place HDD player this year, so it has been mildly successful. Flash players make up the bulk of sales so it was completely ludicrous to think that MS would grab any significant total marketshare without competing in that area. They simply wanted to establish themselves and start to figure out the market. This gen they have flash players out and are becoming a clear alternative to the iPod in a bigger way. Its good to see them having some decent sales - they deserve it.

All in all, I think they are doing well, and I would consider a Zune if I were making a new purchase. Right now I am happy with my iPod, but when it comes time to upgrade, I will be picking up the product that best fills my needs.