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OnlyIsrael said:
OK, I recently purchase a Zune and would like to offer my reasons for this.
1) I never previously owned any mp3 player except my phone. So I wasn't stuck with any brand loyalty by necessity or desire.
2)Zune offered a comprehensive package comparable to ipod; integrated online marketplace, multiple format read etc. I actually wanted to get a Toshiba GigabeatS, they got the best reviews and overall performance specs were the best, but alas, no marketplace.
3)Zune had compelling features the ipod did not. Wireless sharing and FM radio were the big ones for me, plus no itunes BS (my brothers (3) all have ipods and hate itunes with a passion). Sound fidelity was also scored higher with the Zune vs. ipod and I love my fidelity
4)MS offers a 14 free-trial of its unlimited downloads on Zune Marketplace when you buy a Zune. I downloaded 50+ gigs of music. It came in a DRM WMV format but for $20 I bought a DRM WMV to Mp3 file converter and all my music still plays (it stops working if you let your subscription to the unlimited download service expire).
4)Woot sold it to me for $100 vs cost of comparable ipod

With the recent firmware update, I can sync with my network and stream to my Xbox360 wirelessly. It also has podcasts on the marketplace but no movies or TV to my dismay(Zune has a way bigger screen than ipod)

If I had owned an ipod before I would have stuck with them, no reason to switch. But as a first time consumer in this market I went with Zune for the above reasons. However, if Toshiba offered a marketplace I would have definitely bought a GigabeatS.
Maybe theres people out there like me and thats why sales of Zune is doing well in the online market.

If you do your research you will see that the Zune is a Toshiba Gigabeat! The Zune was actually designed by Toshiba.

Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.
