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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - can the 360 sell 70+ million consoles?


can the 360 sell 70+ million consoles?

Yeah easy 111 30.16%
Nope 129 35.05%
Mabye a little less 104 28.26%
I'm a troll so I'll go here 24 6.52%
EdStation3 said:
They could barely fit Assassin's Creed on a DVD 2 years ago...2 years later they can only fit games on a DVD because they're using insane amounts of compression. In 2 years it will be impossible to produce any games on the 360. It's using PS2 technology from the year 2000. It is at 40million right now, so unless it can sell 30 million consoles in 2 years then it won't hit 70 million.

that I think is more down to the developer an his or her design of the game's direction an vision than the limitation's of the hardware.

for instance look at fallout 3, great game long game hours to play, great replay value.

is it the best looking game. no not by a long shot

is the game for every gamer's taste's. not for everyone, but plenty of people bought it.

the point being is the developer's have the direction and vision for their game's and even though DVD has shown it's age there is still plenty of way's to employ your game's without the developer needing something like Blu-Ray , or HD DVD.

though While I agree that Both HD DVD and Blu-Ray would have been better for Developer's no matter what ,

I think it's upto the developer on how he decides the game's direction. as foir no more game's being made for the xbox360...

that is a very silly claim no doubt.


100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.

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Mr Puggsly said:
burgerstein said:
A few factors. First, Natal has to be huge, like Wii Fit huge. AND this gen has to last until 2013 or later. If only the first factor, the next Xbox will cannibalise the sale because it will obviously support Natal. If only the second they won't be able to pull off the numbers each year. IT doesn't seem likely to me, but it probably does to an MS fan.

To hit 70 million the 360 just need to maintain the same sales for about 3 or 4 years. MS said they plan to support the 360 until 2015 and there will be price drops. So 70 million should be easy regardless of how the Natal does.

I fully agree, I think Natal is nice and all more thing's for the system for gamer's to have fun with, but I myself think truely the real strength is the online infrastructure that has been greatly expanded this generation's system's not just Microsoft's but by Microsoft pushing Online infrastructure like they have all three system's are also getting that push for better network's online, yes they all have been working on their online network's , though I do think Microsoft since the fiirst xbox has included a strong foundation for it's brand of online structure.

Do I think the other companies took influence from that you bet, An I think that show's that this generation, more than I think anyother as far back as I could remember has been more dynamic, and more overall better capable game system's than ever before, the system's are less static and It just seem's to me this is in my Opinion

that Microsoft an Sony and even to so,e extent Nintendo are going to have a hard time this gen going forward to top this generation and adding something very unique in the next generation of machine's. not to think there will not be any because there will most likely be. The way i see it this generation is going to be the start of little upgrade's along the way in software and hardware because , I think they are getting at a certain point where the new machine's will have less and less new function's that are or could be added to the previous generation's system's.

I think more than anything this is less and less like the game system's of old , and more and more like the Media center and entertainment PC's of today, an going forward I think the lines of going to even blurred to the point of the strictly a  "GAME CONSOLE" n with be like an extinct animal.

I think its already getting to that point now.

people wanted more and more function's to their game system's, yea not everyone but many do and it show's.

by adding these extra function's, I think it will only add to the Idea that this generation system's will be a viable choice to the consumer even when new system get released.

just look at the PS2. I think all three game companies have a system that will still be selling very well even when the new system's getting released

these current system's have too much functionality, over the previous generation system's that sadly people will still be learning what these system's are fully capable of even when the new generation start's.


100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.

Mr Puggsly said:

But the competition is the least successful console this generation. Developers can't depend on the PS3 solely therefore they'll always depend on the 360 as well. That means they'll be obliged to fit games on DVDs whether they want to or not.

Developers ditched the N64 because cartrides were expensive and 3rd party sales were weak. Are you aware cartridges are much more expensive than DVDs? So that argument just makes no sense.

MS has a history of only one other console and it wasn't very successful. Supporting the original Xbox any further was pointless. Considering the Xbox 360 is much more successful and has a huge lead over the PS3, it was clearly the right decision.

MS already said they plan to support the 360 for 5 more years and its still doing a great job moving software (both 1st and 3rd party). So its definitely going to around for more than 2 years.

-The competition is unsuccessful?  Yeah that's why I said that PS3 is poised to over take the 360 in about a year and a half.  By then the 360 will be the least successful console and will also strain developers with it's PS2 storage limitations, the DVD.  Like I said, it's like buying that two seat sports car when your planning children...There is no room for growth that happens every year as time goes on.

-Yes it was more expensive but the cartridge also would not let devs do what they envisioned.  Final Fantasy started on the N64 and a little into the development, Square moved to the PS1 mainly because of this.  Not a bribe by Sony, like most 360fanboys keep saying.

-Exactly, it was pointless.  Supporting a console that uses PS2 storage medium which is 12 years old, two years from now would be pointless.  Develops will flock to the 'limitless' resources of the PS3.  Wii's focus isn't HD but motion so they won't need to consume all that space anytime soon.  A 6 year life cycle is much better than it's predecessor's 4.

-They also planned to support the Xbox longer than they said...My cousin and I bought PS2 and XBox respectively and after 18 months his console was dropped...I still play mine.  $250 plus $60 Live fees for a console that lasted him a year and a half roughly.  My $200 PS2 is still supported.  If multiple discs was a great alternative then the Xbox and PS2 should of used CD technology...with insane compression on multiple discs.


Please explain how the PS3 is going to over take the 6.27m lead the 360 has in 1.5 years?

Also please explain why a Game Developer would look at an install base of 50 million HD consoles (What 360 will be near at the end of the year) and make the decision to no longer produce high quality software for it. Especially with the other HD console has a smaller install based.  They are in the business to make money. Why cut your market in half?

Its libraries that sell systems not a single game.

It will outsell it in 1.5-2 years. For the same price you can buy a system that uses a last gen features no Wifi, DVD storage etc as one that has next generation features. When the PS3 is at the same market share plus/minus developers can produce what they want. Developers didn't say "Hey lets make FF7 for the N64 and PS1 becasue it's more sales" the they ditched the N64 after production hit some roadbumps...the cartridge technology was last gen. If you don't offer developers to keep producing games (Which eat more space as the years go by), they will lose interest...history has shown this. 360 was good for its first 5 years but will inevitably have problems holding support from 3rd parties. Even before, the only reason they were being support was becasue they were bribing companies, bribing companies to not work with their competition.

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A lot of big 3rd parties generation have stated that the PS3 is more attractive in the long run. Don't quote me on it, but I believe EA said this not that long ago. They're just waiting for the PS3 to hit a certain level of market share and I'm sure it will be a tidal wave of support going to the PS3. Dreamcast released with a 1.9GB medium...PS2 released with 8.5GB medium...nobody wanted to develop for a system that didn't allow them to do what they wanted. N64 and PS1...same thing...eventually everyone got tired of its limitation and left. Im sure if anything the only thing that's kept the 360 from losing support is MS aggressive bribing of 3rd party executives. That can only keep them afloat for so long.

EdStation3 said:
A lot of big 3rd parties generation have stated that the PS3 is more attractive in the long run. Don't quote me on it, but I believe EA said this not that long ago. They're just waiting for the PS3 to hit a certain level of market share and I'm sure it will be a tidal wave of support going to the PS3. Dreamcast released with a 1.9GB medium...PS2 released with 8.5GB medium...nobody wanted to develop for a system that didn't allow them to do what they wanted. N64 and PS1...same thing...eventually everyone got tired of its limitation and left. Im sure if anything the only thing that's kept the 360 from losing support is MS aggressive bribing of 3rd party executives. That can only keep them afloat for so long.

I very much doubt this. Developers have to keep their games within a certain size limit for digistribution on Steam etc for cross platform console + PC games. They aren't going to rush out and slap on another 20GB of data like dirty savages slap on mud and just support the PS3. EA is struggling to make money as it is, so they aren't going to tack on another 40% more development costs whilst cutting their market into 1/2 or less than 40% for PC/console titles.

You doubt this?? Tell you that you are aware that games "get bigger". It's mantra...everyone knows this. 360 sealed it's fate with a shorter lifecycle when they went DVD. How many big PC titles are made on CD? They all jumped to wouldn't buy a PC to game that has a CDROM drive. No, you'd have to upgrade a lot sooner because big PC developers will leave you behind a lot faster. They didn't say "Well almost every PC has a CDROM drive but not every PC has a DVDROM drive...let's make our games CD size" keep going with bigger games.

EdStation3 said:
A lot of big 3rd parties generation have stated that the PS3 is more attractive in the long run. Don't quote me on it, but I believe EA said this not that long ago. They're just waiting for the PS3 to hit a certain level of market share and I'm sure it will be a tidal wave of support going to the PS3. Dreamcast released with a 1.9GB medium...PS2 released with 8.5GB medium...nobody wanted to develop for a system that didn't allow them to do what they wanted. N64 and PS1...same thing...eventually everyone got tired of its limitation and left. Im sure if anything the only thing that's kept the 360 from losing support is MS aggressive bribing of 3rd party executives. That can only keep them afloat for so long.

The storage space of Dreamcast discs hardly had anything to do with the Dreamcast's demise, the rampant piracy and sony marketing where far more of a factor.

Anyways your logic is flawed becase even if the 360 disapeared lots of games are also on pc as well and with the expanding digital distribution market games can't be too big to download through Steam, D2D etc...

EdStation3 said:
You doubt this?? Tell you that you are aware that games "get bigger". It's mantra...everyone knows this. 360 sealed it's fate with a shorter lifecycle when they went DVD. How many big PC titles are made on CD? They all jumped to wouldn't buy a PC to game that has a CDROM drive. No, you'd have to upgrade a lot sooner because big PC developers will leave you behind a lot faster. They didn't say "Well almost every PC has a CDROM drive but not every PC has a DVDROM drive...let's make our games CD size" keep going with bigger games.

So how many pc games use blu-ray?