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EdStation3 said:
A lot of big 3rd parties generation have stated that the PS3 is more attractive in the long run. Don't quote me on it, but I believe EA said this not that long ago. They're just waiting for the PS3 to hit a certain level of market share and I'm sure it will be a tidal wave of support going to the PS3. Dreamcast released with a 1.9GB medium...PS2 released with 8.5GB medium...nobody wanted to develop for a system that didn't allow them to do what they wanted. N64 and PS1...same thing...eventually everyone got tired of its limitation and left. Im sure if anything the only thing that's kept the 360 from losing support is MS aggressive bribing of 3rd party executives. That can only keep them afloat for so long.

The storage space of Dreamcast discs hardly had anything to do with the Dreamcast's demise, the rampant piracy and sony marketing where far more of a factor.

Anyways your logic is flawed becase even if the 360 disapeared lots of games are also on pc as well and with the expanding digital distribution market games can't be too big to download through Steam, D2D etc...