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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Was my idea for a new Nintendo franchise acceptable


Was my idea for a new Nintendo franchise acceptable

It will revolutionize gaming 1 3.57%
It was brilliant 2 7.14%
It was okay 8 28.57%
Could have been better 5 17.86%
Rubbish 7 25.00%
As good as Just Dance 5 17.86%

In case you have not seen or heard of my idea I shall allow you to see it once more.

Aqualve and Magvern: The Shalakira Revolution 

Two creatures called Aqualve (water like creature) and Magvern (fire like creature) are forced by Shalakira (shadow like creature) to find all of the 45 rare minerals on the planet. Aqualve and Magvern escape and discover the land of Raiscent a place where tranquillity reside. Shalakira combines his land of Dimakia with Raiscent. A new land known as Surolo is created. Aqualve and Magvern discover that these minerals can restore the land to normal so they venture out to discover them. Shalakira sends 9 creatures out to defeat them. Eventually you can explore Dimakia and Raiscent along with Surolo. After this point many secrets are revealed.



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1 - terrible title
2 - not revolutionary
3 - would make a good A/A or RPG
4 - names hard to pronounce

Well, that's just the story.

You need to say how it plays.


If you believe you have something, why aren't you making it? Right now? Programming's not that hard and you probably know someone that can draw.

Change the title to something simpler I think, you don't need to have all those hard to pronounce names in the title. Just call it "Not Mario" or something easy like that.

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I agree. If you call it Not Mario it is guaranteed at least one million sales. Anything with Mario in its title sells.

"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." -My good friend Mark Aurelius

Why does it have to be a Nintendo franchise?

I want a new Yoshi's Story...

How does it play, you know, the most important part of the game?


Sounds like a budget kids adventure game