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Forums - Sony Discussion - Are You Going To Buy "Heavy Rain"?


Are You Going To Buy "Heavy Rain"?

Yes 193 78.46%
No 53 21.54%
CGI-Quality said:
Is the sky blue?

Not at night time...

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Yes I have already ordered the Japanese Version from play-asia along with Biohazard 5 Alternative Edition yesterday can not what to get it next week but I am playing EOE PS3, TOV PS3, SO4 international, and Ar Tonelico 3 and FFXIII at the moment there is just to many awesome games at the moment which is a good thing but there is no enough time in the day for all the awesomeness that these games are.

Japanese Pop Culture Otaku

Day One Sir!! ^^

I would day 1 if i had the cash. I will buy it when i get the money though.


People in here are making me very, very angry. I swear to the Almighty Patapon that if you don't buy this game, I'll take my knife, come to your home, and... AND...

...Give you a very well thought out and well spoken manuscript voicing my displeasure in your actions which are fully understandable and acceptable given your opinion.  After you have received my letter and fully read its contents, we shall share a warm muffin that I will have prepared with love and affection. The knife will be administered to cut the muffin precisely into two equal halfs. This will symbolize the respect I have for you as it means I view each other as equal...  THEN I'LL TAKE THE KNIFE AND STAB THE FUCK OUT OF YOU, YOU NO GOOD 'NOT GETTING HEAVY RAIN' PIECE OF SHIT!!!

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gurglesletch said:
I would day 1 if i had the cash. I will buy it when i get the money though.

I've been saving for this game for a long time. Only with this game in mind.


Oddly enough I expect it to be a bit disappointing because of certain factor I would not say in order to avoid spoilers. Believe me, once you read it, you can't unread it ^^U.



Anyway, it's my most anticipated game of the year, only behind GT5



(edited for typo)

yep pre-order payed for woot!


patapon said:


People in here are making me very, very angry. I swear to the Almighty Patapon that if you don't buy this game, I'll take my knife, come to your home, and... AND...

...Give you a very well thought out and well spoken manuscript voicing my displeasure in your actions which are fully understandable and acceptable given your opinion.  After you have received my letter and fully read its contents, we shall share a warm muffin that I will have prepared with love and affection. The knife will be administered to cut the muffin precisely into two equal halfs. This will symbolize the respect I have for you as it means I view each other as equal...  THEN I'LL TAKE THE KNIFE AND STAB THE FUCK OUT OF YOU, YOU NO GOOD 'NOT GETTING HEAVY RAIN' PIECE OF SHIT!!!

Post of the day award goes to you 

OT: Yep. Day one


I would have gone with a maybe option but I said no since there wasn't one.

I'll rent it first and if I don't finish it and I like it I'll buy it maybe

Maybe I played Indigo Prophecy last gen and was disappointed, I'll check reviews and see if it's my cup of tea.

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-