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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Will next gen consoles look better than Crysis?

Oh yeah no doubt. PS4 and Xbox 720 (and Wii 2 if it goes graphical) will make Crysis look like a mediocre game.

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zarx said:
HappySqurriel said:

If you assume that the console manufacturers will release their system in 2011 or 2012, consider how capable a budget (Radeon HD 5770) graphics card is today, and think about what a similar GPU will be able to do when these systems are released. While graphics like this may not be possible at 1080p @60fps, I see no reason why it wouldn’t be possible at 720p @30fps.

well as consoles this gen used high end chips (for when they came out) something like a HD 6850(late 2011 probably)  HD 7850 (2012 maybe) would be more the level oh and HD 57XX is a Mid range card 56XX is budget 55XX is HTPC/low. and with optimization for the hardware 1080p at 60 wouldn't be to hard with little or no AA a 5870 can get upto about 20FPS on enthusiast.

I fully agree with you, and personally believe that next generation consoles might be significantly more powerful than most people here anticipate; but I used the term "May Not" primarily as a way to eliminate unnecessary arguments about the capabilities of consoles we know nothing about.

Slimebeast said:
soulsamurai said:

First off those are pictures of a modded Crysis. It's using the Real Life-sis TOD mod and Rygels High Texture Mod...

Crysis does not look that good on its own and requires the mods to look that good...

I mean it still does look good on it's own, but not as good at the images the OP posted.

Yes, but it's the Crysis engine.

Now do you have any idea of the FPS people get with these mods on a high-end computer?

I have a high end computer.....GTX 285 in SLI and a q9650 and I run these mods with decent frame rates :P

Here are some screens with Fraps and the commands running i took with my own computer.    Max settings on everyting and 16XQ AA.



CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2

toastboy44562 said:
demitri55 said:

the developers behind crysis said they were going to fully utulize the ps3's full power for crysis 2 so before i answer i want to see if he keeps his word and how crysis 2 will look on the ps3 (again  if they keep their word)

I think all developers use all the power of the consoles they use, however some use it wiser...

yeah but high-end pcs and the ps3 have more power than the 360

gimme physics over graphics anyday....

Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd.

owner of : atari 2600, commodore 64, NES,gameboy,atari lynx, genesis, saturn,neogeo,DC,PS2,GC,X360, Wii

5 THINGS I'd like to see before i knock out:

a. a AAA 3D sonic title

b. a nintendo developed game that has a "M rating"

c. redesgined PS controller

d. SEGA back in the console business

e. M$ out of the OS business

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arsenicazure said:
gimme physics over graphics anyday....

Physics will be the new graphics next gen.

i think next gen will prob have graphics that equal crysis and crysis 2 like rly does it matter if its any better crysis 2 looks like its real lol

Yeah probably

The PS4 i think without problems when the devs start to develop and learn the "How to" earlier than this gen.
With bigger BluRays and all this stuff it shouldn't be a problem.
NATIVE 1080p ingame is needed not only FMV like FF13 PS3 does.Maybe they can manage it already this gen with native 1080p ingame

X720....Maybe when they upgrade to BluRay or such stuff.
And they should stop with this upscaling crap

BUT - When those consoles are out the PC Hardware is also better.
Crysis was done 2007 on PCs....2014 or so we will have Crysis 3 or an other game that pushes PCs in this year to the maximum and beyond.

demitri55 said:

the developers behind crysis said they were going to fully utulize the ps3's full power for crysis 2 so before i answer i want to see if he keeps his word and how crysis 2 will look on the ps3 (agai  if tey keep their word)

  Full power of PS3 is 3 generations older than current PC video cards.

Looking at radeon side of things radeon 2900 pro was at least 1,5x times faster than PS3/X360 and that card has 320sp units operating at 750 MHZ (more or less) , current mainstream gpus have 800 sp at same speeds and current high end is 1600 sp @800 Mhz so no Crysis 2 won't look nowhere as good as Crysis 1.


With that said i think that next gen should aim for 1080p@30 fps with AAx2 becouse that's enough for current current generation of TVs.


soulsamurai said:
Slimebeast said:
soulsamurai said:

First off those are pictures of a modded Crysis. It's using the Real Life-sis TOD mod and Rygels High Texture Mod...

Crysis does not look that good on its own and requires the mods to look that good...

I mean it still does look good on it's own, but not as good at the images the OP posted.

Yes, but it's the Crysis engine.

Now do you have any idea of the FPS people get with these mods on a high-end computer?

I have a high end computer.....GTX 285 in SLI and a q9650 and I run these mods with decent frame rates :P

Here are some screens with Fraps and the commands running i took with my own computer.    Max settings on everyting and 16XQ AA.



Those are great framerates and it looks slightly different from vanilla Crisis (is there a sunglare mod? What are the mods?) but I think it would run with much lower fps if u had one of the mods in the OP, that have even more incredible looking vegetation.