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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - FFXIII marketed as a 360 exclusive o.O

This is not a big deal I think most people knows it's on both systems.

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No big deal it's like the MW2 commercial's.I think that commerical was to sell the bundle if SE was smart they should show serval commercial's.

DirtyP2002 said:
Do you expect MS to say that this game is also available on the competitors hardware?

This. M$ is the one advertising the game not S-E. It was probably part of their deal. Win for S-E because advertising sometimes costs more than the game itself

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Ehhh I remember in 2009 FIFA 2010 ads were showing the game available on ps3 with ps3 slim at end of the advert and no mention of 360 version or what I dont see the big fuss......

It's a commercial for the bundle really, not just FFXIII. Why would you throw in the Sony logo?

Hi, this is Vince with Shamwow.

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GodOfWar_3ever said:
To people saying its no big deal and it happened with other games -

FFXIII was once a PS3 exclusive and the franchise as a whole is more related to this is a pretty fail move by Sony...

This is no big deal you are overreacting.

stop it already i am sure there will we a ps3 it only does Final Fantasy advert, which will be better than this advert, if not because this appeals to FF Fans, we are all educated and know it is available on both platforms.

Kennyheart said:
GodOfWar_3ever said:
To people saying its no big deal and it happened with other games -

FFXIII was once a PS3 exclusive and the franchise as a whole is more related to this is a pretty fail move by Sony...

This is no big deal you are overreacting.

And before playstation it was on Nintendo.

There will probably be some dual-console commercials from SE starting March 1st. I want to play it now :(

DirtyP2002 said:
Do you expect MS to say that this game is also available on the competitors hardware?

lol ur right, its a microsoft funded ff13 commertial

the ones done by sony will only show ps3 version, i dont see how this is an issue.

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