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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - FFXIII marketed as a 360 exclusive o.O

Also what was that thing lightning barely made it past in the trailer. Almost got done-skeeeedes!

Can't waiiiiiiiiiiit. >.

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I wonder what makes Square Enix do this things time after time
Haven't they realized after the poor sales of pretty much every JRPG they released on the Xbox 360 that Xbox 360 users just don't like JRPG's? This is by far one of the dumbest moves by Square Enix

It is also free marketing. Everyone who is a Final Fantasy fan KNOWS it is on the PS3. They announced the damn game forever ago. But let's wait and see on March 1st if they do dual-console trailers.

Zipper said:
I wonder what makes Square Enix do this things time after time
Haven't they realized after the poor sales of pretty much every JRPG they released on the Xbox 360 that Xbox 360 users just don't like JRPG's? This is by far one of the dumbest moves by Square Enix

For the most part, FF, Pokemon and KH have been the only JRPG series to sell in the West.  You don't have to worry about about FFXIII selling poorly.  FF and KH can also get away with using pop music in their commercials in the West and still sell millions while other games that use pop music in their commercials sell lower than expected.  ex. Mirror's Edge, Prince of Persia(2008)  Pop music seems to be a turn off for gamers in a new IP.

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My hope is that 13 outsells XII on both consoles. I think it is quite reachable.

I wonder if this will sell more than the PS3 version despite having over 7 million more X360s in USA... I still have my doubts.

I see nothing wrong with the commercial, it makes perfect sense for it to be marketed with the Xbox Brand which the franchise was never on before. I died a little inside though *Cries*

Odd. Future. Wolf. Gang. Kill. Em. All. OFWGKTA Don't give a fuck!

Fuck Steve Harvey. FREE EARL!

Final Fantasy Versus XIII will be the GREATEST game EVER made!!!

I'd take a bullet for Square-Enix! 


Wagram said:
My hope is that 13 outsells XII on both consoles. I think it is quite reachable.

It will.  7 million copies total is not out of reach.

Wow. Honestly I don't even know what to think of this. I guess Sony just doesn't care anymore what people think about them, I for one have lost almost all respect for Sony and SE when it comes to marketing. I mean, after all of those million sellers on the ps1 and ps2, they turn their back on Sony and market it as basically an Xbox exclusive? Again, I don't even know what to think of that.

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