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Forums - Sony Discussion - Naughty Dog Says Uncharted 2 "Impossible" On The Xbox 360

The PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 may be on equal footing now thanks to recently announced price cuts, but when it comes to graphical capabilities, the PS3 is, apparently, far and away superior to the 360…That is, according to co-president of Naughty Dog, Christophe Balestra.

Balestra recently spoke with tech blog Ars Technica about his company’s upcoming action-adventure title, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, and said quite bluntly, "I guarantee that this game couldn't be working on Xbox 360. It would be impossible. I'm 100 percent sure of this.”

Bold words, indeed. To demonstrate this, Balestra points to the fact that for the highly anticipated follow up to Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune, “We fill the Blu-ray 100 percent, we have no room left on this one. We have 25GB of data; we're using every single bit of it." Balestra goes on to say that the first game only used about 30 percent of the PS3’s SPU [Synergistic Processing Units] power, whereas the new game uses 100 percent. As a result, Balestra says, "The quality of the depth of field we have, you can't do that on the Xbox."

Again, quite the assertion. Yet as impressive as both of these details are, they seem to beg the rather obvious question: Does this game represent the pinnacle of the PS3’s potential? While Balestra's trumpeting of the PS3's power and his game's use of that power is understandable and clearly evidenced, it also sounds like he is saying that his developers have pushed the PS3 to its absolute limits, which I sincerely hope isn’t the case considering we’re only three years into the PS3’s "10-year life cycle."

I mean, sure, Uncharted 2 has ridiculous amounts of potential, and I can’t to get my hands on it, but if it's maxing out the PS3 in the ways Balestra says it is, then where does Naughty Dog go from here? Where do other developers go from here, for that matter? I guess the hope would be that developers will be able to find more efficient ways to use 100 percent of the PS3's various components, which sounds a bit strange considering Sony has long since touted the PS3 as having virtually limitless potential.

Let the well reasoned and civilized discussion commence.

Gintama is the funniest show EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!

Proud owner of all currnet gen consoles.

I not a big wii fan

Okita the sadist.

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Well... for the record... The engines made for PS3 and Uncharted is a SONY owned IP.

4 ≈ One

I hate when developers say this stuff... it's pretty much always bullshit.

oh noooooo....not this stuff again.. :(

Is this something that every Sony developer is forced to say as part of their contract or something? Seems to come up during interviews for all PS3 exclusives.

Consoles Owned: Atari 2600, NES, Sega Genesis, Sega Saturn, N64, Gamecube, Wii, XBOX360

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CGI-Quality said:
I was really hoping nobody posted this part of the article. Not because it's a lie/truth or whatever, but it will start an unnecessary war on here...

Ah yes, that's right. MakingMusic's thread...

Does this count as a dupe thread? If so we can report it right? 

4 ≈ One

Can we just close this thread, or discuss something else? I really hate the "System Wars" part of gaming.

Thanks for the input, Jeff.



i think its funny when sony's 1st party dev's say a ps3 game cant be done on the 360. i would believe him and the other 1st party dev's if they actually made a 360 game , cause then they would know what each system is truly capable of. he could be right, but untill naughty dog makes a 360 game, which is never going too happen, then what he is saying is only a opinion and nothing more.
i cant wait too play this game though, loved the 1st game very much. :)





i think its funny when sony's 1st party dev's say a ps3 game cant be done on the 360. i would believe him and the other 1st party dev's if they actually made a 360 game , cause then they would know what each system is truly capable of. he could be right, but untill naughty dog makes a 360 game, which is never going too happen, then what he is saying is only a opinion and nothing more.
i cant wait too play this game though, loved the 1st game very much. :)


This is PR and nothing more so I don't think anyone needs to take this too seriously. Can't wait to play it though.

teh C3LL