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Forums - Sales Discussion - The Official May 2009 NPD Thread (Data at 6:30 PM EST)

Soriku said:
Squilliam said:

They don't really follow the price cut phillosphy, they said they wanted to wean consumers off the idea that the consoles price would come down. Also their next generation console would probably kill off sales for the Wii unless it was at a really low price.

I still don't see the point in killing it off when it will still be popular enough then to keep it living and cheap enough. It doesn't make much sense. And it's likely that Wii buyers then wouldn't buy their next console until later (alternatively, until it's cheaper).

But if its cheaper then it could steal sales from the more expensive Wii HD or next or whatever. If say the Wii was $129 and the Wii HD is $249 there isn't really much difference in price. Also the cheaper Wii could steal sales from the more expensive Wii and cost them money.


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You guys forget something.
The PS2 is still doing well because the PS3 isn't compatible and is crazy expensive.

However if the Wii successor is compatible with the Wii and launches at a reasonnable price it would probably eat a lot into existing Wii sales...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

TheSource said:

I don't know if the Wii will last as long as the PS2 did in the USA market place, but the highest 12 month peak for Wii to date, i.e. March 2008 to February 2009 came in about 25% higher than the PS2 12 month peak in the immediate aftermath of the drop to $200 in the May 2002 to April 2003. Its something like 8.7m vs. 10.9m by NPD figures if you look them up. DS in the June 2008 to May 2009 12 month period is at 10.9m as well by NPD.

By calendar year PS2 did over 20m units in its best three year period. I'm pretty sure it was 2002 to 2004. So thats ~20 million PS2s in its peak three period in the USA (36 months). To date Wii has been on sale about 31 months in the USA...and its over 20m. Even if Wii only did 200,000/month for June to October that means it matched the PS2 peak three year period at a higher price point ($250 vs $200 for every month except for Jan-May 2002). Here is the thing though: if you compared the first full three calendar years for Wii, it should come in at least 26 million. We don't even know if 2007-2009 is the three year Wii peak yet.

Since E3 I've been expecting a Wii price cut in the USA in Spring 2010. If they do that Wii could do another 7-11m in 2010 in the USA.

Right now for Wii I'd wager this is still possible:

2006 - 1.1m

2007 - 6.2m

2008 - 10.15m

2009 ~ 10.5m (2D Mario Game Audience is enormous, enough interesting projects to maintain momentum, no Dec supply issues for once)

2010 ~ 9m ($50 to $80 price cut offset by Natal/PS3 Motion tech and ~$150-$250 360 skus, and $250 PS3)

2011 ~ 6.5m (360 down to $100-$200, Wii down to $130, PS3 down to $200)

2012 ~ 4m (PS4 or 720 launches in Nov, Wii 2 launches Nov)

2013 ~  2m (PS4 or 720 launches)

2014 ~ 800k (Nintendo stops making Wii)


To me, thats 50m Wiis in seven years and the launch window in 2006. For PS2 even though I have to check on some of the numbers, and I'm estimating for the end, I would say even with a longer duration on the market it probably will be beaten by Wii because the peak demand will be much higher even though it will likely be supported for a shorter amount of time. I mean even DS is ahead of PS2 pace now by over 1m, and Nintendo has not cut price on that thing. Wii is ahead of PS2 by several million without a price cut, and at a higher price point, and more importantly it has already had a higher peak.

          PS2        Wii

2000 ~ 1m /  2006 1.1m

2001 ~ 6m / 2007 6.3m

2002 ~ 8m / 2008 10.15m

2003 ~ 6m / 2009 ~ 10.5m? (8.5m to 12.5m is the realistic range I'd wager)

2004 ~ 5m / 2010 ~ 9m (7-11m realistic)

2005 ~ 5.5m / 2011 ~ 6.5m (5-8m realistic)

2006 - 4.7m / 2012 ~ 4m (2.5m to 5.5m realistic)

2007 - 3.9m / 2013 ~ 2m (1-3m realistic)

2008 - 2.5m / 2014 ~ 800k (500k-1m realistic)

2009 - 1.6m

2010 - 900k

2011 - 200k


I think in NA the Wii still has a small shot at hitting the PS2 numbers, worldwide however it looks a lot harder...

Maybe I am pessimistic but I don't see Natal or the PS3 motion thingy actually having much impact on those systems sales.

This looks more like PR than stuff that could actually be implemented quickly on the top selling franchises of thoses consoles...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

I dont know why you think the backwards compatability is a big issue. I've got a pretty reliable developer source who claimed that the reason Sony took PS2 compatability out of PS3 is because only 5% of PS3 users ever played PS2 games on PS3. It wasn't a compelling feature. PS3 is selling (or not selling depending on your perspective) based on PS3 software.

Wii 2 or whatever Nintendo's next system is probably will play Wii games, but Wii will sell on Wii games and Wii 2 will sell on Wii 2 games. The fact that you can get a Wii 2 for $300 and a Wii for $130 or whatever and play Wii games on Wii 2 isn't going to kill the Wii. PS2 played PS1 games, it was never ridiculously expensive, and PS1 would routinely outsell Xbox 1 and GC and DC through 2000-2003 in most world markets.

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- Lao Tzu

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Squilliam said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:
Squilliam said:
The Wii is pretty much nearly as cheap to make as it will ever be. The Wii HD or whatever would probably be the same situation. Why would they keep the Wii on the market (Undersupported) which is also against their ethics as a company at a lower price. They would be better off with just maximising the sales of their higher margin next generation console.

First off there will not be a Wii HD, the next Nintendo console will be another market disruption, as Sony and MS move into the motion control region Nintendo will just change the game one more time.


Secondly keeping the Wii on the market isn't against their philosophy, they just haven't had a system since the NES that was so dominant that it was able to remain viable after its successor came out, in addition keepin the Wii on the makrket will be cheap for them at that point, it'll be a high profit machine that they can continue to just let the market buy if it wants

The only thing absolutely certain about the next Wii is that its going to be HD. Also if they disrupt the market once again it could make the Wii absolutely obsolete and a hinderance to that disruption. The philosophy of 20 years ago doesn't apply so much today because they have a different mindset and strategy than they did back then, hence the Wii.

Actually the Wii is very similar to the NES mindset, the NES was a disruption of its own, and many of the things that are being done now by nintendo are retreads of that era.

It wouldn't make the Wii obsolete entirely, it would still be the cheapest motion control system on the market


Predictions:Sales of Wii Fit will surpass the combined sales of the Grand Theft Auto franchiseLifetime sales of Wii will surpass the combined sales of the entire Playstation family of consoles by 12/31/2015 Wii hardware sales will surpass the total hardware sales of the PS2 by 12/31/2010 Wii will have 50% marketshare or more by the end of 2008 (I was wrong!!  It was a little over 48% only)Wii will surpass 45 Million in lifetime sales by the end of 2008 (I was wrong!!  Nintendo Financials showed it fell slightly short of 45 million shipped by end of 2008)Wii will surpass 80 Million in lifetime sales by the end of 2009 (I was wrong!! Wii didn't even get to 70 Million)

Avinash_Tyagi said:
Squilliam said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:

First off there will not be a Wii HD, the next Nintendo console will be another market disruption, as Sony and MS move into the motion control region Nintendo will just change the game one more time.


Secondly keeping the Wii on the market isn't against their philosophy, they just haven't had a system since the NES that was so dominant that it was able to remain viable after its successor came out, in addition keepin the Wii on the makrket will be cheap for them at that point, it'll be a high profit machine that they can continue to just let the market buy if it wants

The only thing absolutely certain about the next Wii is that its going to be HD. Also if they disrupt the market once again it could make the Wii absolutely obsolete and a hinderance to that disruption. The philosophy of 20 years ago doesn't apply so much today because they have a different mindset and strategy than they did back then, hence the Wii.

Actually the Wii is very similar to the NES mindset, the NES was a disruption of its own, and many of the things that are being done now by nintendo are retreads of that era.

It wouldn't make the Wii obsolete entirely, it would still be the cheapest motion control system on the market

Why would they need to sell the Wii until 2016 when its already close to being obsolete now? Since they don't follow a loss leading strategy they wouldn't exactly need the money, so outside of developing markets, whats the point?


TheSource said:

I dont know why you think the backwards compatability is a big issue. I've got a pretty reliable developer source who claimed that the reason Sony took PS2 compatability out of PS3 is because only 5% of PS3 users ever played PS2 games on PS3. It wasn't a compelling feature. PS3 is selling (or not selling depending on your perspective) based on PS3 software.

Wii 2 or whatever Nintendo's next system is probably will play Wii games, but Wii will sell on Wii games and Wii 2 will sell on Wii 2 games. The fact that you can get a Wii 2 for $300 and a Wii for $130 or whatever and play Wii games on Wii 2 isn't going to kill the Wii. PS2 played PS1 games, it was never ridiculously expensive, and PS1 would routinely outsell Xbox 1 and GC and DC through 2000-2003 in most world markets.


It's an issue for PS3 owners that have their PS2 that break. Right now they have to purchase another PS2...

The biggest issue is probably going to be the price difference between the Wii successor and the Wii at the time that successor releases.

The Wii released at 249$ of its successor releases around the same price that means at best it will be 150$ more expensive that the Wii ( I can't ever imagine the Wii going bellow 99$ in its lifetime).

At that price many might consider buying a straight Wii2 instead of a Wii especially if it can play the old Wii games ( there's 2 reasons to buy a PS2 right now, it's darn cheap and the games are really cheap). Now if you can play cheap Wii games on your Wii 2 and if it only cost 150$ or so more the Wii2 becomes a decent choice.

I mean if you have a rl low budget right now, sure the PS3 price is a huge turn off, but the fact that you can get 5 good used PS2 games for a price of a PS3 game is probably an even bigger turn off...( I've been selling my old PS2 games at 5$ each in a garage sales and I tell you there is demand..) Sometime you're willing to take a one time hit for an expensive item you really want but the killer here is really the huge recuring costs to get new games..

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

@Soriku in a few years time the Wii will be about as obsolete as the NES was compared to say the N64.


trestres said:

We will have to wait and see before saying Wii sales will get boosted, so far it looks like it's on a downards trend and there's nothing significantly big that could help sales go up again until WSR which comes in late July, so until August sales could be down a lot. Probably the last 5 months of the year will be better, but the following two months could end up being abysmal in YoY comparisons.

January 2009 679,200
February 2009 753,000
March 2009 601,000
April 2009 340,000
May 2009 289,500
January 2008 274,000
February 2008 432,000
March 2008 721,000
April 2008 714,200
May 2008 675,100
June 2008 666,700
July 2008 555,000
August 2008 453,000
September 2008 667,000
October 2008 803,000
November 2008 2,040,000
December 2008 2,150,000

Total 10,151,000


YoY Jan  +405K units
YoY Feb  +321K units
YoY Mar  -120K units
YoY Apr   -374K units
YoY May  -386K units

2009 YTD  2663K units
2008 YTD  2817K units

YoY Total  -154K units

The trend looks to be a downards one and June could be the worst month of the year so far. June and July will no doubt be down from 2008, but August could be up once again. Then September and October could be also down, but depends on the release date of Wii Fit+. There's, unfortunately, nothing big besides Wii Fit+ until October/November, so sales could be down by 1 million or more until the Holidays. Then it's not very likely for the Wii to outperform November/December 2008. I expect Wii to end at 2 million less than 2008, at around 8 million for the year.

Honestly August and December seem like the only 2 months in the remainder of Nintendo's fiscal year where you can expect/hope that YoY sales will be up. So I don't see how you can expect the Wii to match 2008 numbers.

July will be down less, maybe 100k.

Hard to tell past that but I really don't see Wii Sport Resorts boosting the Wii sales by 100% for several months ( which is what is needed to get back to 2008 level).

June will be down by another 300k probably ( doesn't seem like EA Sport Active or Punch Out had a crazy effect on Wii hardware sales).

So by the end of the first half of the year the Wii will be down 450k.


A price cut might help for sure, but seeing Nintendo financials prevision it's doubtfull in 2009 and I'm not sure the Wii is actually viewed as an expensive purchase right now so hard to say how much it would boost sales, definitly not 100%...


PS : The situation in the fiscal year(April 2009-March 2010) is even worse.

So far in NA alone sales are down 750k for 2 months. Worldwide they are down 1.7 millions ( VGchartz has 1.6 millions and I added 100k for the difference with NPD in May).

In June sales should be down another 500k worldwide ( Wii sold 1.5 million units in June 2008) to bring the YoY gap around 2.2 millions...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !