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I dont know why you think the backwards compatability is a big issue. I've got a pretty reliable developer source who claimed that the reason Sony took PS2 compatability out of PS3 is because only 5% of PS3 users ever played PS2 games on PS3. It wasn't a compelling feature. PS3 is selling (or not selling depending on your perspective) based on PS3 software.

Wii 2 or whatever Nintendo's next system is probably will play Wii games, but Wii will sell on Wii games and Wii 2 will sell on Wii 2 games. The fact that you can get a Wii 2 for $300 and a Wii for $130 or whatever and play Wii games on Wii 2 isn't going to kill the Wii. PS2 played PS1 games, it was never ridiculously expensive, and PS1 would routinely outsell Xbox 1 and GC and DC through 2000-2003 in most world markets.

People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.

When there are more laws, there are more criminals.

- Lao Tzu