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Avinash_Tyagi said:
Squilliam said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:

First off there will not be a Wii HD, the next Nintendo console will be another market disruption, as Sony and MS move into the motion control region Nintendo will just change the game one more time.


Secondly keeping the Wii on the market isn't against their philosophy, they just haven't had a system since the NES that was so dominant that it was able to remain viable after its successor came out, in addition keepin the Wii on the makrket will be cheap for them at that point, it'll be a high profit machine that they can continue to just let the market buy if it wants

The only thing absolutely certain about the next Wii is that its going to be HD. Also if they disrupt the market once again it could make the Wii absolutely obsolete and a hinderance to that disruption. The philosophy of 20 years ago doesn't apply so much today because they have a different mindset and strategy than they did back then, hence the Wii.

Actually the Wii is very similar to the NES mindset, the NES was a disruption of its own, and many of the things that are being done now by nintendo are retreads of that era.

It wouldn't make the Wii obsolete entirely, it would still be the cheapest motion control system on the market

Why would they need to sell the Wii until 2016 when its already close to being obsolete now? Since they don't follow a loss leading strategy they wouldn't exactly need the money, so outside of developing markets, whats the point?
