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Forums - Sony Discussion - Best Sony Published Original IP on PS4?

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Best Sony Published Original IP on PS4

Knack 2 3.03%
Bloodborne 14 21.21%
The Order: 1886 1 1.52%
The Last Guardian 5 7.58%
Horizon: Zero Dawn 28 42.42%
Days Gone 0 0%
Dreams 1 1.52%
Ghost of Tsushima 11 16.67%
Until Dawn 2 3.03%
Other 2 3.03%

With the launch of Ghost of Tsushima this summer we have likely seen the last of major original 1st Party IPs releasing on PlayStation 4. Of the original games that Sony published throughout the console's lifespan which is the best in your opinion.

Here are some examples:

  • Knack
  • Driveclub
  • The Order: 1886
  • Bloodborne
  • Until Dawn
  • The Last Guardian
  • Horizon: Zero Dawn
  • Dreams
  • Moss
  • RIGs
  • Days Gone
  • Ghost of Tsushima

Note #1: Marvel's Spider-Man not included because it is not an original IP. I won't throw a fit if anyone brings it up though.

Note #2: Games like No Man's Sky, Detroit: Become Human, Death Stranding, and Nioh were all original titles published by Sony (at least in NA region) but I am unsure how to classify them because they are developed by outside studios and appear on other platforms.

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Not a fan of most of these games. I might try Ghosts of Tsushima at some point, because it looks interesting. But of the ones I've played I'm choosing Spider-Man. It's old IP, but it's new to Sony. I mean Bloodborne and The Last Guardian don't really feel that original either. If we count those, then we might as well count Spider-Man.

Signalstar said:

Note #2: Games like No Man's Sky, Detroit: Become Human, Death Stranding, and Nioh were all original titles published by Sony (at least in NA region) but I am unsure how to classify them because they are developed by outside studios and appear on other platforms.

Other platforms is just PC? they could be included too, np (ie. they still count).

Bloodborne. Sony has really done well this gen.

i loved driveclub,
played it to hell and platinumed it just by sheer amount of playtime!

order 1886 was semi descent but disappointing coz its short as hell!
platinumed it too

until dawn was a surprise and the value was there a really good game
platinumed XD

hzd was an even better surprise from killzone to this?
what an accomplishment by guerilla friggin games!
platinumed :P

days gone another semi descent game,
i actually enjoyed the game its like tlou and hzd combined
platinumed as well

id argue that tlou should be included in ps4 coz it was a 2013 release and it was at the end of ps3 lifespan!
but nevermind that coz that would be an auto win haha!
platinumed remastered ver. 100% all dlcs

ghost of tsushima is amazing
its my 2nd best new ip from sony
amazing fantastic job by sucker punch u cannot expect this sheer amount of work from them,
both guerilla games and sucker punch went all out and took a high risk and now they get rewarded
on my way to plat

but bb is the best hands down,
yeah its a souls game but it will be the most unique mder fcker in this industry of gaming
nightmare creatures, dark souls, devil may cry combined? come on u cant see that coming!

when it comes to gameplay and atmosphere fken from soft nails it!

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If you are incluiding Horizon you might as well include all those mentioned that came to PC afterwards.

1.- Bloodborne
2.- Horizon ZD
3.- Ghost of Tsushima

All really fantastic games, but Bloodborne to me is the best new IP and the best game Fromsoft has ever done overall.
Last Guardian get an honorary mention.


I've yet to play Ghost of Tsushima which has a shot at winning this poll for me. Of the games I've played so far, I'd say Horizon: Zero Dawn.

Signature goes here!

1. Hoirzon- no need explain.
2. Days Gone- I was surprised how much I really enjoyed this game given the poor reviews.
3. Until Dawn- Beat it once when it came out, I should really play through it again and try to either save everyone or kill everyone. Wish it were in VR.
4. Astro Bot- fantastic VR, not up to par with Resident Evil 7 but excellent.

Haven't played Ghost yet but would probably be in the top 4. Knack was the only one I played that I didn't care for. I beat it since the launch year was pretty poor but it was mediocre.

I've only played around 4 hours of Ghost of Tsushima so far (just bought the game two days ago) and it is by far the best game I've played from Sony this gen.