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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Staring into the abyss of a world where Nintendo has no games scheduled for release. Edit: The Time of Darkness Has Arrived

zorg1000 said:
Cerebralbore101 said:

My dude, I also forgot about Star Allies in 2018, and 1-2 Switch in 2017. Check the post history. Edit: And Fitness Boxing in 2018.

Nice false dichotomy. Any more rigged questions? Having something be forgettable, because it doesn't stand out, and forgetting something that's very important because there are too many things to remember are two different things. For Example: You can forget your important house keys, while leaving the house, because you were trying to keep track of 15 other things. Or you can forget you owned a bunch of toothpicks because they don't stand out.

Sure, you forgot a game or two each year but in 2020 (the year you are arguing is worse than other years) you missed like half the lineup. I hope you can see how that comes off like someone pushing an agenda.

If you're going to have an accurate comparison than either include everuthing or have a specific criteria (like only new games or only games that sell x amount, etc).

If you include all the ports/remasters in one year than include all of them in other years.

If you include a game based around a toy/accessory in one year than include games based around a toy/accessory in other years.

If you include 3rd party games published by Nintendo in one year than include all 3rd party games published by Nintendo in other years.

I just want consistently when it comes to making year by year comparisons.

Out of the 9 games I forgot 7 of them are games I never bought, or don't plan on ever buying. I would have forgotten a couple more games from 2018, that I didn't buy too. But they were part of xPhenom08x's list, which I was building on.

Edit: I forgot, that I forgot NSMBU as well. So to update, I forgot 9 games in total, 7 of which I didn't buy.

Last edited by Cerebralbore101 - on 09 September 2020

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NightlyPoe said:

So, I've been watching this from a bit of a distance, and...

THANKYOU! I've been trying to tell them that they completely missed the context of your OP. You started this thread by basically asking, what new games were coming out this year, and then pointing out that it wasn't much. Of course anyone with half a brain should understand what you meant by that. But they insisted on using ports of old games to drive their narrative.

It's the same type of idiocy as the following discussion...

Teenager 1: I can't find a girlfriend. Nobody likes me.

Teenager 2: The old, one legged, lunch lady in the cafeteria likes you. You should date her! I'm serious!

Teenager 1: How dense are you? I obviously meant, nobody *MY AGE* likes me.

It's like they can't even read between the lines. Every damned thing has to be spelled out for them, and spoon fed to them.

Edit: And now I'm going to take a few days' break from this thread. I've been on here all day. Partly because I wanted to stand my ground on a topic I felt was important. Partly because I was waiting for the rumoured PS5 price reveal/blowout, and absolutely did not want to miss the thread that ensued. We only get threads like that once every seven years after all! Anywho, I'm exhausted, and Persona 5 really needs to be finished up.

Last edited by Cerebralbore101 - on 10 September 2020

I honestly think the pandemic has messed up Nintendo's plans for the year. Hopefully next year will be more like last year.

Anyway, Zelda's 35th anniversary is next year. I wonder what they'll do to celebrate it. Maybe show a trailer for the sequel along with a remaster of Skyward Sword?

Ok so No More Heroes (pun intended) for this year

On positive note, with so many delays 2021 line up is already getting better

Cerebralbore101 said:
zorg1000 said:

Sure, you forgot a game or two each year but in 2020 (the year you are arguing is worse than other years) you missed like half the lineup. I hope you can see how that comes off like someone pushing an agenda.

If you're going to have an accurate comparison than either include everuthing or have a specific criteria (like only new games or only games that sell x amount, etc).

If you include all the ports/remasters in one year than include all of them in other years.

If you include a game based around a toy/accessory in one year than include games based around a toy/accessory in other years.

If you include 3rd party games published by Nintendo in one year than include all 3rd party games published by Nintendo in other years.

I just want consistently when it comes to making year by year comparisons.

Out of the 9 games I forgot 7 of them are games I never bought, or don't plan on ever buying. I would have forgotten a couple more games from 2018, that I didn't buy too. But they were part of xPhenom08x's list, which I was building on.

Edit: I forgot, that I forgot NSMBU as well. So to update, I forgot 9 games in total, 7 of which I didn't buy.

And of those 9 you forgot, 5 were from this year.

Well maybe if you're going to do a list war it might be a good idea to do 2 minutes of research.

This is literally the first result when googling "Nintendo published games"

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

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like Rol said, 2020 is pretty similar to 2018 with the most notable difference being that one had its biggest game in Dec while the other was in March. Basically you can reshuffle the schedules and make them look the same.

2018 lineup (actual)
Feb-Bayonetta 2
March-Kirby Star Allies
May-Tropical Freeze/Hyrule Warriors
June-Mario Tennis Aces
July-Captain Toad/Octopath Traveler
Oct-Super Mario Party
Nov-Pokemon Lets Go
Dec-Smash Bros

2020 linuep (reshuffled)
Feb-Toyko Mirage Sessions
March-Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
April-Clubhouse Games
May-Pikmin 3/Xenoblade DE
June-Paper Mario
July-Bravely Default 2
Sept-Age of Calamity
Oct-Mario Kart Live
Nov-3D All Stars
Dec-Animal Crossing

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

NightlyPoe said:

There are no goalposts.

RolStoppable said:


The point raised by @AngryLittleAlchemist remains true, there's a lack of nuance in this thread. Over the past two days we had many people in here telling you that you've lost your marbles, but NightlyPoe frames those responses as people trying to convince others that Nintendo has been having a good year and repeats how there have been only three new games (that is, after the goalposts have been moved as far as they could) to arrive at a conclusion that the disappointment expressed in this thread has been reasonable, including your posts specifically. He had a bigger problem with the people responding to you than your posts.


Yea I have to admit, while I still stand by the general points brought up in my post, it just wasn't an appropriate one for this thread. I felt like valid subjective criticism was going to be flushed down the drain because of poorly thought-out objective list wars, and while negativity being lumped in with bad actors is still something I fear for other threads in the rest of the forum, that comment wasn't really applicable here - specifically when the subjective side of the argument starts engaging in the very same list wars that would make their points illogical.

In the span of a few weeks we got people flipping around entirely because of one Mario collection which not only had very little effort put into it, but was rumored for almost half the year and didn't even fully represent the 3D-line it was referencing (talking about Galaxy 2, I can understand 3D Land and World of course). In such a scenario, all it would take is a simple "what if x rumor is true?" for a person to be completely fine with the year when including the previously unannounced collection. And a Zelda spin-off which, while looking quite great, just begs the question ... did people really expect no new games at all for the holiday? Is that what people were really basing their entire argument off of? It just makes the whole proposition silly. I probably should have known something was up when even in my own post the only people I could really "call out" directly as bad actors were also the only people on the side of downplaying Nintendo's 2020, even whilst defending their right to be disappointed. 

It's quite funny too because Xenoblade HD ended up being one of my favorite games on the Switch and possibly a favorite in general, and while I didn't play much Animal Crossing and haven't gotten to Paper Mario yet, again there's very little disappointment from my end other than just wanting more new releases from afar (and even that has evaporated since the 3D Mario Collection and Hyrule Warriors 2, both of which I'm quite excited for). I suppose I care too much about being fair to others, and arguing in general, that I sort of missed the forest for the trees. Now I'm not sure if the comment has aged poorly because it doesn't make sense for this thread, or if it has aged finely because it goes to show how endlessly unbelievable the discussion in this thread will continue to be. 

Right. And there’s no war in Ba Sing Se.

NightlyPoe said:
zorg1000 said:
like Rol said, 2020 is pretty similar to 2018 with the most notable difference being that one had its biggest game in Dec while the other was in March. Basically you can reshuffle the schedules and make them look the same.

2018 lineup (actual)
Feb-Bayonetta 2
March-Kirby Star Allies
May-Tropical Freeze/Hyrule Warriors
June-Mario Tennis Aces
July-Captain Toad/Octopath Traveler
Oct-Super Mario Party
Nov-Pokemon Lets Go
Dec-Smash Bros

2020 linuep (reshuffled)
Feb-Toyko Mirage Sessions
March-Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
April-Clubhouse Games
May-Pikmin 3/Xenoblade DE
June-Paper Mario
July-Bravely Default 2
Sept-Age of Calamity
Oct-Mario Kart Live
Nov-3D All Stars
Dec-Animal Crossing

Except 2018 is considered a poor year as well.  So you're already comparing poor to poor.

And, again, 2020 falls well below those standards.  I count 5 definite new games in 2020 (plus Torna and Sushi Striker as lesser releases) vs. only 3 in 2018 (with Clubhouse Games as a lesser release).

I don't know exactly why you're trying to convince yourself that 2020 is equal to an already poor, year, but you're really not having a good showing if all you're doing is treating all releases as equal no matter whether they are new or old ports.

Read the convo I had with Cerebralbore101, it explains why I'm making the comparison and I'm not sure where you came up with me saying all releases are equal, can you point out where I ever said that?

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.