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NightlyPoe said:

So, I've been watching this from a bit of a distance, and...

THANKYOU! I've been trying to tell them that they completely missed the context of your OP. You started this thread by basically asking, what new games were coming out this year, and then pointing out that it wasn't much. Of course anyone with half a brain should understand what you meant by that. But they insisted on using ports of old games to drive their narrative.

It's the same type of idiocy as the following discussion...

Teenager 1: I can't find a girlfriend. Nobody likes me.

Teenager 2: The old, one legged, lunch lady in the cafeteria likes you. You should date her! I'm serious!

Teenager 1: How dense are you? I obviously meant, nobody *MY AGE* likes me.

It's like they can't even read between the lines. Every damned thing has to be spelled out for them, and spoon fed to them.

Edit: And now I'm going to take a few days' break from this thread. I've been on here all day. Partly because I wanted to stand my ground on a topic I felt was important. Partly because I was waiting for the rumoured PS5 price reveal/blowout, and absolutely did not want to miss the thread that ensued. We only get threads like that once every seven years after all! Anywho, I'm exhausted, and Persona 5 really needs to be finished up.

Last edited by Cerebralbore101 - on 10 September 2020