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Forums - Politics Discussion - Official 2020 US Election: Democratic Party Discussion

Rab said:
Machiavellian said:

Na, if this video is anything to go by then definitely no.  There are enough opinion pieces out on the net, I do not need another one trying to convince me to believe what they are selling, instead, I will do what I always do and just read multiple articles on any subject and form my own opinion.  You will find out I do not care about political leanings and just want the information without the slant.  Since most times this is hard to achieve, I prefer to limit it as much as possible.

You let me know when they backup their claims that Biden colluded with the other news agency for those articles then I will more than happy to take back what I stated, Until then its just more political junk.

Yes, my last comment is that in order to form your own opinion you actually need to read the articles they are talking about instead of just listening to talking heads and just believing what they say.

Biden has been getting softballs from the Est. Media and Dems since this all started, I appreciate The Hill probing and asking questions, few other news agencies have done much at all in vetting Biden, it has to be done so we don't end up with another lame duck president including the baggage of rape, he and the establishment should clear the air, but based off their track record they won't, they will misinform, misdirect and cover up resulting in people from the left moving further away from and weakening the Dems.. I can only imagine the uproar from the media and the Dems if this was Bernie :/        

Let me ask you this question, how much digging did the hill do on Trump.  How many articles and shows did they do concerning the multiple sexual allegations against him.  I could not find any but since you watch their show, where would you find such info.  It would be interesting to see this balance you are talking about.

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Vote shaming is immature and irrational and anyone who does it or encourages that behavior is not acting in good faith and is simply stirring the pot and spreading toxicity. Pushing potential voters away by being insufferable and not inclusive is a recipe for disaster and is just plain wrong. If you have the time and privilege to vote shame someone, oppositely you have the time and privilege to actually effect change by pushing for better policies your candidate could adopt or you could phone bank or canvass.

If you disagree with someone's choice in a candidate you could simply state your side and why you decided to vote for you candidate and give positive examples to try and sway others to join you in your voting preference. Also you could give the other side things they could adopt to make it so you'll vote for them. For example: I've stated numerous times that I'd vote for Biden, despite everything else, if he supported M4A and bolder climate action because those things would have a direct and greatly positive impact on my community and for poor people and POC across the nation.

330 million people live in the U.S. and only 3.4% of them voted for Biden (about 11 mil.) I'd say that's hardly the will of the people. Especially when you factor in everything else like active voter suppression and the manufacturing of consent by the mainstream media and the obvious hurdle of the rich and powerful wanting to stay rich and powerful so they don't care at all whether disadvantaged people have their voices heard or die. The deck is very much stacked against the will of the people.


tsogud said:

330 million people live in the U.S. and only 3.4% of them voted for Biden (about 11 mil.) I'd say that's hardly the will of the people. Especially when you factor in everything else like active voter suppression and the manufacturing of consent by the mainstream media and the obvious hurdle of the rich and powerful wanting to stay rich and powerful so they don't care at all whether disadvantaged people have their voices heard or die. The deck is very much stacked against the will of the people.

This is especially funny considering the entire strategy of the Bernie campaign was winning a plurality of votes with a split field.

And I might add, a ridiculous, undemocratic argument.

Last edited by Moren - on 19 May 2020

Machiavellian said:
Rab said:

Biden has been getting softballs from the Est. Media and Dems since this all started, I appreciate The Hill probing and asking questions, few other news agencies have done much at all in vetting Biden, it has to be done so we don't end up with another lame duck president including the baggage of rape, he and the establishment should clear the air, but based off their track record they won't, they will misinform, misdirect and cover up resulting in people from the left moving further away from and weakening the Dems.. I can only imagine the uproar from the media and the Dems if this was Bernie :/        

Let me ask you this question, how much digging did the hill do on Trump.  How many articles and shows did they do concerning the multiple sexual allegations against him.  I could not find any but since you watch their show, where would you find such info.  It would be interesting to see this balance you are talking about.

As this thread is about the Dems and partly Biden's rape allegation we shouldn't get distracted, but just quickly on The Hill as you obviously don't watch them consistently, they regularly call out Trump particularly the right leaning commentator, but let's face it the Est. Media already vet Trump excessively, obsessively, and extensively, but not so good at vetting Biden's issues even with rape allegations pending, which only undermines the trust the left of the party has in the Dems and Est Media     

Moren said:
tsogud said:

330 million people live in the U.S. and only 3.4% of them voted for Biden (about 11 mil.) I'd say that's hardly the will of the people. Especially when you factor in everything else like active voter suppression and the manufacturing of consent by the mainstream media and the obvious hurdle of the rich and powerful wanting to stay rich and powerful so they don't care at all whether disadvantaged people have their voices heard or die. The deck is very much stacked against the will of the people.

This is especially funny considering the entire strategy of the Bernie campaign was winning a plurality of votes with a split field.

And I might add, a ridiculous, undemocratic argument.

It's not an argument in the slightest. I'm literally just stating a fact. If you choose to not see the influence the rich and powerful have over everyday people's lives that's on you and I can't help with that.

I also didn't mention Sanders whatsoever but you keep bringing him up to flame me and start an argument. You're actively spreading toxicity with your negative posts and are gaslighting me in the process.

What's LITERALLY undemocratic is vote shaming people which was the main part of my post which you conveniently left out.

Last edited by tsogud - on 20 May 2020


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I'm gonna point out one single thing that certain people keep missing. It is not the job of the people to vote for the politician, it is the job of the politician to convince the people to support him. When I say support I mean give them some reason to vote for the person, not against some evil on the other side, especially if the politician in question is practically as evil.

People have policy positions, and should support politicians that hold similar positions as them. If you do not believe in the positions I believe in, I will not vote for you and many others are like that. I also have to believe that you're not blowing hot air (obama) and truly believe the things you say and would fight for them. Biden isn't offering anything to the left yet he's demanding the votes. You can point out the terrible offers he's giving to the left that aren't gonna do anything, as him offering something but then I would simply point out to you that I also don't believe him cause he has a 40 year history of punching left.

You can't voter shame people like that and you can't go off about how bad Trump is to people like that and in fact, that's how people in this country and the rest of the world should be. We should have positions that we hold dear, and if our politicians don't support these positions we don't support them until they do.

I pointed this out to certain people numerous times, you'd vote for the nominee regardless of who it is, I'd only vote for the nominee if they supported the positions I believe in and I trusted them to do so. Only 2 people on that stage I trusted to that degree and only 1 had the support to pull off a possible win against the system that's designed to crush people like him. In the end he was crushed and with that I have 0 reasons to vote for either of the 2 main parties in november. Moving on policy is very important, but trust is more important and Biden can never win that from the left.

Let me explain segments of the real left to you. There are progressive leftist, this is the group that would probably go for Biden after Sanders to stop Trump. Honestly, they buy into the lesser of 2 evils but they're not motivated and might even just not vote. There's the populist Left, these people aren't gonna vote for Biden they oppose him. They'll vote for policies and Biden can possibly win them over by moving policy but its hard cause they still wouldn't trust him.

The Hard left, These are the true uncompromising people you think that I am but I'm more populist than anything else. These are the ones who would find things like you believing in russia gate and immediately throw away support for you. They comb through every word you said to see if you were using some CIA talking point before considering you. They'd vet you so hard that its not funny, but you want to know something about the hard left? They may not support you in the primary because you don't align with them but in the general if you're somehow like a Bernie or a Tulsi, they would possibly take a chance on you and push you over the edge.

The Progressive left are the ones who were fooled by Warren for the most part, The Populist left are the ones who voted on Policy and Trust and were 100% Sanders the entire time while also cursing him out whenever he'd give into things that the hard left pretty much came out and said screw you bernie for. There's another group which is derived from all 3 which is the angry left and well, they are more likely to vote Trump just to say screw you to the dems. Either way, you can't voter shame these people because they would laugh you out of the room and people see how disgusting Biden supporters have been to those who don't want to vote and have been turned off of how toxic his supporters are. But hey its not my problem.

tl:dr Biden has the blue no matter who crowd and the tiny never trump republican crowd. If Bernie was the nominee, he'd have the progressive left, Populist left and some of the hard left + vote blue no matter who crowd. But again its not my problem. If you want Biden to win, go phone bank and text for him do the work and put in the time cause you're not gonna win people over by saying Trump bad. We Know, and Biden aint much better so good luck.

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Even if Biden wasn't making a singular concession or outreach to progressives (which he has, even The Intercept was impressed by the task force ), even if that was the case, voting against Trump should be enough.

The argument that Trump in itself is not enough is selfish. He has done innumerable things to hurt as many communities as he possibly could in a very short of time with just the executive powers. If that's not enough, then it was never about helping people.

Last edited by Moren - on 20 May 2020

Moren said:

Even if Biden wasn't making a singular concession or outreach to progressives (which he has, even The Intercept was impressed by the task force ), even if that was the case, voting against Trump should be enough.

The argument that Trump in itself is not enough is selfish. He has done innumerable things to hurt as many communities as he possibly could in a very short of time with just the executive powers. If that's not enough, then it was never about helping people.

You railed against Bernie and his policies all primary long full well knowing it would actually help poc and marginalized communities and it would have been way easier to unify under him. You have absolutely no ground to stand on. If you really wanted to help people you'd have vote Bernie or Warren or help push Biden left. Instead you hurl insults and vote shame others for not wanting poc to be taken for granted once again and then thrown to the side. It seems it was never about helping people.

Trump didn't invent bigotry and systematic racism, and it won't stop with him, it was put in place by both parties over the centuries and neither are going to cede real ground unless POC and working class people organize and work together and demand policies that'll help them thrive. This isn't a game, it's people's lives, it's my life and it's yours too.

A task force isn't M4A, a task force isn't going to save our country from the climate crisis, a task force isn't going to stop voter suppression. We must demand these things because it won't be given to us if we keep settling for crumbs.


tsogud said:
Moren said:

Even if Biden wasn't making a singular concession or outreach to progressives (which he has, even The Intercept was impressed by the task force ), even if that was the case, voting against Trump should be enough.

The argument that Trump in itself is not enough is selfish. He has done innumerable things to hurt as many communities as he possibly could in a very short of time with just the executive powers. If that's not enough, then it was never about helping people.

You railed against Bernie and his policies all primary long full well knowing it would actually help poc and marginalized communities and it would have been way easier to unify under him. You have absolutely no ground to stand on. If you really wanted to help people you'd have vote Bernie or Warren or help push Biden left. Instead you hurl insults and vote shame others for not wanting poc to be taken for granted once again and then thrown to the side. It seems it was never about helping people.

Trump didn't invent bigotry and systematic racism, and it won't stop with him, it was put in place by both parties over the centuries and neither are going to cede real ground unless POC and working class people organize and work together and demand policies that'll help them thrive. This isn't a game, it's people's lives, it's my life and it's yours too.

A task force isn't M4A, a task force isn't going to save our country from the climate crisis, a task force isn't going to stop voter suppression. We must demand these things because it won't be given to us if we keep settling for crumbs.

Just because you think Bernie is the only one who can help people and improve lives doesn't make it an objective fact, and it sure as hell doesn't make you the moral arbiter you pretend to be. And "easier to unify"? That's laughable. My hate for Trump would have personally made me hold my nose and support Bernie, but let's not be revisionist and pretend the voters didn't unify against Bernie as soon as they could. Maybe Warren was tracking to be a better unifier, but the left ditched her too - huge missed opportunity. Also, while you're at it, stop pretending to speak for all people of color.

Trump didn't invent bigotry or systematic racism, sure. But we can all close our eyes and pretend he hasn't put an extraordinary burden on vulnerable communities that wouldn't have existed under a Democrat, or accept reality for what it is.

A task force with people like the Sunrise co-founder, Jayapal, El-Sayed and AOC creates accountability and gives them a voice on the table. 

Last edited by Moren - on 20 May 2020

Moren said:
tsogud said:

You railed against Bernie and his policies all primary long full well knowing it would actually help poc and marginalized communities and it would have been way easier to unify under him. You have absolutely no ground to stand on. If you really wanted to help people you'd have vote Bernie or Warren or help push Biden left. Instead you hurl insults and vote shame others for not wanting poc to be taken for granted once again and then thrown to the side. It seems it was never about helping people.

Trump didn't invent bigotry and systematic racism, and it won't stop with him, it was put in place by both parties over the centuries and neither are going to cede real ground unless POC and working class people organize and work together and demand policies that'll help them thrive. This isn't a game, it's people's lives, it's my life and it's yours too.

A task force isn't M4A, a task force isn't going to save our country from the climate crisis, a task force isn't going to stop voter suppression. We must demand these things because it won't be given to us if we keep settling for crumbs.

Just because you think Bernie is the only one who can help people and improve lives doesn't make it an objective fact, and it sure as hell doesn't make you the moral arbiter you pretend to be. And "easier to unify"? That's laughable. My hate for Trump would have personally made me hold my nose and support Bernie, but let's not be revisionist and pretend the voters didn't unify against Bernie as soon as they could. Maybe Warren was tracking to be a better unifier, but the left ditched her too - huge missed opportunity. Also, while you're at it, stop pretending to speak for all people of color.

Trump didn't invent bigotry or systematic racism, sure. But we can all close our eyes and pretend he hasn't put an extraordinary burden on vulnerable communities that wouldn't have existed under a Democrat, or accept reality for what it is.

A task force with people like the Sunrise co-founder, Jayapal, El-Sayed and AOC creates accountability and gives them a voice on the table. 

@bolded: Don't put words into my mouth. I've stated numerous times how my views differs from Sanders. I don't expect Sanders to fully understand what poc go through, especially queer poc, because after all he is an old white cis man but at least he tried his level best and his policies were the most universal in the whole primary and helped the most vulnerable. I would've voted for Warren if she was the nominee, despite her ignorance regarding my people, because at least she was competent and could be swayed left more easily because she's not stubborn like Biden.

Also don't tone police me, if it's my truth and if it's the truth of most poc then I will speak about it and raise awareness. You sure as hell aren't. I'm not a moral arbiter and I don't pretend to be but if you think so that's you convicting your own self. That's says more about you then it does me and maybe you need to reevaluate your ideals and stance but honestly that's none of my business and I won't speak on it further.

And weren't you the one in this thread that said they'd not vote for Bernie if he was the nominee?? I could be wrong but it was said and I think it was you. In any case that's irrelevant now.

I'm not looking for a white savior or savior of any kind, I'm looking for someone who will fight for the people even when the weight and pressure of the rich and powerful are against them. It doesn't start and end with the presidency but the people would've had major pull if the president is on their side instead of the wealthy and well-connected.

I personally like Obama and thought his presidency for the most part was well handled but you can't just close your eyes and pretend he didn't have innocent blood on his hands. Not to mention cruel border control policies and infrastructure put in place by his administration. You can put your rose-colored glasses on because you have that privilege but for the people who were directly affected there's no difference in the cruelty being perpetuated whether it's by a Democrat or Republican.

I want a progressive woc like Nina Turner as his VP but I'll settle for Warren though. I'm closely looking at his VP choice to see if he really is trying to adopt a more populist platform and administration.

I'd really appreciate it if that in the future for you to stop with the personal attacks and just focus on the topic at hand. It's for everybody's benefit when discussing topics as personal as politics. 

Last edited by tsogud - on 20 May 2020