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Forums - Gaming Discussion - A week or two before FFXV releases, I'm going to stay off gaming sites

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Will you resist looking at gaming/review sites before thoroughly playing through FFXV?

Yes 10 38.46%
No 11 42.31%
I don't know! I need my ... 5 19.23%

Then I'll create a review thread after days or a week or two of playing/beating the game and give my honest and influence-free impression.  I also want you guys to hold me accountable so that I don't make a very possible dreaded mistake of reading any reviews of the game.

If you've been looking forward to this game for such a long time, and like me there's very little that will satisfy you in today's gaming world then that thread might be the thread for you and we can all give our impressions then.  I challenge everybody to do the same who's looking forward to it.

Lube Me Up

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RolStoppable said:
You want us to watch over you? That's asking a bit much, don't you think? It's not like we all live in the same street, so we can't physically stop you when you are about to open a browser to look for reviews.

We could do like when Dora the Explorer ask us to stop Swiper, which is basically achieved by yelling "Swiper, no swiping!" to the screen. Same principle.

I will do my best to make sure you don't read any FFXV reviews, I swear.

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

I hated the demo with all my strenght and also hated FF13-2-3, althought FF13 was ok, so I will probably never play 15, it looks like a giant mess to me.
But I will read some reviews and wait a few months, if it is nothing like the demo maybe I can try.

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.

I am definitely going to read a ton of reviews of it myself. I have not at all enjoyed what we have seen from FFXV so far.

I wish you good luck with your quest though.

Around the Network

Good luck dude!

I'll be shutting myself once I watch Kingsglaive, so about 1 month before the game is out

RolStoppable said:
You want us to watch over you? That's asking a bit much, don't you think? It's not like we all live in the same street, so we can't physically stop you when you are about to open a browser to look for reviews.

Nah, but you guys can at least pretend :)

Lube Me Up

Bandorr said:

Nope. I will just not read those articles. I have never had any FF game spoiled for me.

There is quite a difference between "looking at reviews" and "refusing to go to gaming sites".

Will I look at reviews? No I already want the game and will play it first. Will I still go to gaming sites? Of course I will.

There's bound to be review scores right on article titles of gaming sites when this game releases, and on topic titles in forums.  I bet my favorite squirrel's left nut.

AZWification said:

I will do my best to make sure you don't read any FFXV reviews, I swear.

I trust you man.  Strap me down to the ship's mast and don't let me look at the song of the sirens!

Lube Me Up

I agree OP.

Why even care what anyone on the internet says? I don't when it comes to the FF series lmao!

I think FFXIII series-x2-Lightning Returns is as good as FF4 and FF6 and FF7. I buy all the games, all the strategy guides. I just purchase an XBOX1 S on launch day and bought FF Type-0. Even I think it looked not so good but after trying it out I know I'll have fun again in another part of the FF Universe. There's just something about these FF universes and stories and characters that gets me into these games like nothing else.


So I now today ordered the Hardcover strategy guide for FF Type-O to get me through till FF15. Looks like no Demo for FF15 in my game, but it doesn't matter. I'll buy the hardcover FF15 and game pre-order on Amazon soon and be set. Hell I hhope they remaster FFXIII and every other FF game. I'm so f'n hardcore for this series from 1990 and up. Love them all. FFXIII series maybe the most. 7,6,4, and 1 are classics as well. I'll buy whatever they sell but MMO's I prefer stories, and something I can take my time my women lol. ;)