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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Remedy Now Two Teams. Two Games In Development

As for the future, we have some very exciting news to share. Moving forward, we want to create more games and hopefully get them out more often. In order to achieve this, Remedy has expanded into two game development teams.

For a while now already, we’ve been developing a brand new Remedy game with a new partner. Our second team is working on an early concept, which will turn into another Remedy game sometime in the future.

We can’t wait to show and tell your more about these new projects, but if there’s anything we’ve learned from the past, it’s that we should have the patience to announce games when they’re ready enough. So don’t expect us take the stage at E3 or gamescom this year.


The PS5 Exists. 

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I don't know how I feel about them. Good on them for having more projects.


New partner huh
Not sure if this belongs in MS discussion

Surprising really after Quantum Break was a bit of a bomb

Hopefully they are planning on going back to Alan Wake and releasing a remaster of the first games.

Nice! I love Remedy :D

Enjoyed Max Payne 1+2, Alan Wake and Quantum Break immensely.

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Roronaa_chan said:
New partner huh
Not sure if this belongs in MS discussion

Aren't they 1st party?


The PS5 Exists. 

They should really release their games on the PS4 as well. I don't think being exclusive to a console does them any favors.

GribbleGrunger said:
Roronaa_chan said:
New partner huh
Not sure if this belongs in MS discussion

Aren't they 1st party?

No, they're independent. Your OP even says they're not partnering with Microsoft.....

Edit: both games are not VR

poklane said:

No, they're independent. Your OP even says they're not partnering with Microsoft.....

Edit: both games are not VR

I just posted it quick because I assumed it was MS related. I wonder if they're making a game for the PS4 too?


The PS5 Exists. 

GribbleGrunger said:
poklane said:

No, they're independent. Your OP even says they're not partnering with Microsoft.....

Edit: both games are not VR

I just posted it quick because I assumed it was MS related. I wonder if they're making a game for the PS4 too?

They're working with a new partner so I think it's fair to assume that they project will be multiplatform (PC, PS4, XB1 and possibly NX) unless that partner is Sony or Nintendo (lol).