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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Will Zelda Twilight Princess HD outsell Zelda Windwaker HD?

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Which Zelda HD remake will be the bigger one on the WiiU?

Wind Waker. It has years ... 50 34.48%
Twilight Princess. People... 84 57.93%
The remake of the Oracle ... 11 7.59%

Which Zelda HD remake will be the best selling one on the WiiU? WW has years of advantage, but a lot of people usually preffer a more realistic Zelda over the cartoony ones, plus TP (Wii+GC) has sold more than WW (GC+WiiU).

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TPHD will outsell WWHD for sure. Install base is much bigger now, TP is a much prefered game over WW ( for more casual zelda fans). Also I belive the demand for TPHD was quite high. Hopefully they improve the graphics more though b4 release!

Yes, I think it will

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Yea it will.

Did Nintendo ever announce numbers for WWHD?

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I doubt it. People are pretty disappointed in how it's been handled.

Wii U install base is significantly better now, so I think there is a good chance that it will.

"Just for comparison Uncharted 4 was 20x bigger than Splatoon 2. This shows the huge difference between Sony's first-party games and Nintendo's first-party games."

bunchanumbers said:
Did Nintendo ever announce numbers for WWHD?

Think they said ages ago it was over a million physical and digital.  It never leaves wii u digital charts though

Darwinianevolution said:

plus TP (Wii+GC) has sold more than WW (GC+WiiU).

W-what? That's literally the most skewed sort of argument you could ever make. You can't seriously compare ANYTHING from the launch window of the Wii to a GC or Wii U title. The Wii sold more in its first year or so than the Wii U ever will, and practically single-handedly matched the GC within that year. Double down with the OoT2 hype that TP had before launch and you get a cocktail that won't be repeated until MAYBE Zelda NX. 


Disregarding that absolutely terrible comparison (with all due respect), it's probably gonna end up closer than you think. TP is just barely catching back up in the Zelda cycle, and it's coming on the feet of the most commercialized period in Zelda history. WWHD came at the beginning of this era, and had no competition, which helped lead to what's probably about 2m now if we include digital. TP's coming at a pretty bad time, with the hype for that game being at a middling point even before we talk about how fans are pissed that it looks mediocre graphically. Then take the NX reveal into account with killing most Wii U hype, and that it won't be bundled like WW was at one point - compare SS's end of gen sales to TP's start of gen sales to show how Zelda performs near the end of a console cycle nowadays. Unless it hits with a Zelda U demo it's not going to sell particularly well. 


But that doesn't matter, both games are enjoyable and will hopefully end up with their definitive versions on Wii U when all is said and done. I'm buying it either way, so long as they did something to fix the atrocious opening segment. The game is incredibly solid even if it's got a bad rap because it disappointed core fans at launch. 

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DivinePaladin said:
Darwinianevolution said:

plus TP (Wii+GC) has sold more than WW (GC+WiiU).

W-what? That's literally the most skewed sort of argument you could ever make. You can't seriously compare ANYTHING from the launch window of the Wii to a GC or Wii U title. The Wii sold more in its first year or so than the Wii U ever will, and practically single-handedly matched the GC within that year. Double down with the OoT2 hype that TP had before launch and you get a cocktail that won't be repeated until MAYBE Zelda NX. 


Disregarding that absolutely terrible comparison (with all due respect), it's probably gonna end up closer than you think. TP is just barely catching back up in the Zelda cycle, and it's coming on the feet of the most commercialized period in Zelda history. WWHD came at the beginning of this era, and had no competition, which helped lead to what's probably about 2m now if we include digital. TP's coming at a pretty bad time, with the hype for that game being at a middling point even before we talk about how fans are pissed that it looks mediocre graphically. Then take the NX reveal into account with killing most Wii U hype, and that it won't be bundled like WW was at one point - compare SS's end of gen sales to TP's start of gen sales to show how Zelda performs near the end of a console cycle nowadays. Unless it hits with a Zelda U demo it's not going to sell particularly well. 


But that doesn't matter, both games are enjoyable and will hopefully end up with their definitive versions on Wii U when all is said and done. I'm buying it either way, so long as they did something to fix the atrocious opening segment. The game is incredibly solid even if it's got a bad rap because it disappointed core fans at launch. 

I know it's a dumb argument, but I just wanted to point that out, TP has sold better than WW in general. Should have worded that better :P

You know it deserves the GOTY.

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