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Forums - Gaming Discussion - How to play as Bayonetta in a game that's not Bayonetta 1 on the PS3 or Xbox 360

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Are you having fun playing as Bayonetta in a game that's not Bayonetta 1?

Nope.avi 5 71.43%
Yesh! 2 28.57%

Buy her as DLC when you buy Anarchy Reigns! Please note, I've seen people say that the want to play as Bayonetta in a game that's not Bayonetta 1, so I'm not trolling.

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Or you could see a youtube let's play of Bayonetta 2, connect a controller and use your imagination.

"I've Underestimated the Horse Power from Mario Kart 8, I'll Never Doubt the WiiU's Engine Again"

Anfebious said:
Or you could see a youtube let's play of Bayonetta 2, connect a controller and use your imagination.

You wouldn't actually be playing as her, you know.

Or you could just play one of many other hack and slash games while watching Cinemax at the same time.

Not entirely sure what this thread is in response to, but Anarchy Reigns deserves more love so I'll just let it happen

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sundin13 said:
Not entirely sure what this thread is in response to, but Anarchy Reigns deserves more love so I'll just let it happen

It's in response to people who want to play as Bayonetta outside of Bayonetta 1.


Not that I know any myself, but there you go.

Or play the wonderful 101. Sure it is hard to get her but she is in there to play with.

Bristow9091 said:
... Or y'know, if you own LittleBigPlanet 2 (Or 3 when it comes out) you could use the Controlinator to create a Bayonetta character and map down some attacks to your Dualshock face buttons and such, and create a level where you actually fight enemies and such... a little imagination never hurt anyone ;)

You'll need a very good imagination then!

I predict NX launches in 2017 - not 2016

Nevermind this post, you said on the PS3 or XBox 360.

Squeezol said:
sundin13 said:
Not entirely sure what this thread is in response to, but Anarchy Reigns deserves more love so I'll just let it happen

It's in response to people who want to play as Bayonetta outside of Bayonetta 1.


Not that I know any myself, but there you go.

...Bayonetta 2?

I dunz get it .-.