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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Official VGChartz Gamerscore League - July 2015 update


Should we be able to remove polls?

Yes 24 68.57%
No 6 17.14%
Ka-pi96 said:
NobleTeam360 said:
Regarding Murph's achievements late at night. I think they should count since he earned them before June 1st (US time)

I kind of agree, it may be a different time zone but they were within May. I know these ones were earned in time because I remember seeing him earn them, but it may be difficult to distinguish if this happens again in the future.


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Oh god lol, I see I'm pretty much screwed here with the addition of 360 games now xD

Oh well. I agree with what shika suggested for platinums, and can sympathise with his argument for races being longer, but they can't be too long either or it's not really a race.

I suck so bad I'm not even listed :(
Though to be fair last Xbox One game I played was Rayman Legends.
GT: Slade6alpha
AWESOME JOB KA PI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!">"><img src="

I agree with Shika and platinums, but a requirement should be only if you have over 800GS in that game or have it completed can you hold that Platinum. It at least shows you tried to get it. Idk how arcade games would work though.

jlmurph2 said:
Ka-pi96 said:
NobleTeam360 said:
Regarding Murph's achievements late at night. I think they should count since he earned them before June 1st (US time)

I kind of agree, it may be a different time zone but they were within May. I know these ones were earned in time because I remember seeing him earn them, but it may be difficult to distinguish if this happens again in the future.

<3 did you get this to work? 

Anyway good job Ka-Pi; I'd suggest the cutoff at 00:00 BST (19:00 EST) so that way there's no confusion.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

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Conegamer said:
jlmurph2 said:

<3 did you get this to work? 

Anyway good job Ka-Pi; I'd suggest the cutoff at 00:00 BST (19:00 EST) so that way there's no confusion.

Get what to work? I just didn't know what time we were supposed to be cut off at for the month since It was still May 31st for me.

I understand you guys are from the UK but why does that mean my day gets cut early?

jlmurph2 said:
Conegamer said:
jlmurph2 said:

<3 did you get this to work? 

Anyway good job Ka-Pi; I'd suggest the cutoff at 00:00 BST (19:00 EST) so that way there's no confusion.

Get what to work? I just didn't know what time we were supposed to be cut off at for the month since It was still May 31st for me.

I understand you guys are from the UK but why does that mean my day gets cut early?

I was referring to the heart symbol actually, it breaks the forum when I try it. 

Anyway it's not cutting anything off; after the first month you'll have those extra 5 hours added on to the next month. It's just that much easier for Ka-pi because anything after midnight shows up as the first so it's much more difficult to calculate games which made the cut from other timezones is all.

If he disagrees however then ignore me. I'll go blend into the background.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Ka-pi96 said:
jlmurph2 said:

Get what to work? I just didn't know what time we were supposed to be cut off at for the month since It was still May 31st for me.

I understand you guys are from the UK but why does that mean my day gets cut early?

Yeah I understand what you mean, it's really unfair to cut your day off early if you are trying to compete like we did last month.

Fortunately TA allows me to change the timezone I see things in. What do you all think about cutting it off at the International Date Line (UTC -12)?
It may be advantageous/disadvantageous to some, but all counted achievements will have been earned while at least some part of the world was still in that month.

I guess its cool then. As long as now I know when the cut-off is.

I don't mind when the cutoff is cause whatever achievements you earn, are just counted in the next month.
I just think that it would be much easier for you to choose 00.00 GMT and it would make it fair for everyone even people who are in Asia and Australia and in those time zones.
But I think almost all of us are in the UK and North America so if we pick a time that suits everyone the best, then I think 00.00 EST (BST -5) is good.


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

Ka-pi96 said:
MoHasanie said:

I don't mind when the cutoff is cause whatever achievements you earn, are just counted in the next month.
I just think that it would be much easier for you to choose 00.00 GMT and it would make it fair for everyone even people who are in Asia and Australia and in those time zones.
But I think almost all of us are in the UK and North America so if we pick a time that suits everyone the best, then I think 00.00 EST (BST -5) is good.

Yeah you've got a good point. Using an American time zone would probably work best, I don't think we have anyone that is later timezones than those.

With the IDL time zone I proposed it does cut into the 1st of the next month for some people, using a US timezone would minimise that. Unless any of you are regularly playing games at like 3 in the morning?


Ok, I'm going to work off of EST for now. That way Americans will have more time making it fairer on them and it won't cut too much into the next month for the rest of us, so hopefully won't make a difference.

I'll have another update up later today using the new timezone and everyone that has requested to join since the last update. I hope to also have some Platinum information be then as well

So you've figured out how you're gonna do platinums?