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Forums - Gaming Discussion - For Nintendo fans: If you feel the industry needs fewer shooters, why do you still hate anything that isn't a shooter because it's non-Nintendo?

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So the big argument being produced by the core Nintendo users against the next gen consoles (PS4 & XBone) is that they, like the PS360, are too shooter oriented and this gen is going to be terrible because of it. So, I ask this, why say this, but proceed to bash anything that isn't a shooter? Is it because they're not on a Nintendo console and are thus irrelvant? A prime example would be Knack. The game was a decent platformer and a good sidestep from all the military shooters, but still got shread to pieces. It seems that people ignore the fact that the PS brand has a more diverse library than any other brand out there, nevermind the fact that PS platforms are the number 1 source for JRPGs. 

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Generalization. I'm a Nintendo-only gamer and a hardcore fanboy, but I still enjoy some shooters like playing multiplayer CoD with my buddies online, and I sure as hell played GoldenEye 007 BOTH times it came out on a Nintendo system. Also, I can recognize that there are good/great/fantastic games in other genres on both PS3/PS4 AND 360/Xbone. So your complaint is a generalization (based on some truth, as there are people like the picture you've painted, no doubt) just like I could generalize that all Sony and Microsoft gamers think Nintendo's games are "just for kids."

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I can't speak for everybody else but I mainly play games on Nintendo systems and I believe there are many great games on other systems.

I was actually looking at the PS4 / XBO games list for 2014 threads on this site and thought many of them looked pretty cool. So much so in fact that I began to rethink my recent Wii U purchase. (Got it last week)

As for Knack? It does look dumb in all honestly but looks can be deceiving and I haven't actually played it. Therefor, I can't judge it.

Well knack is pretty subpar, nothing amazing about that game. Have you even played it, its pretty tacky. But I loved LBP that was a great game.

I keep on hearing this word "diversity." Remember, it is not a synonym for "quality."

As for Knack, I didn't like what I played of it.

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I disagree that Knack was a decent platformer, it was woeful. Yes, I have tried it, and it was even the game I was most interested in after watching the PS4 reveal.

Yeah, Knack is a prime example alright...

knack was underwhelming from the moment I saw gameplay. Besides, I think you are generalizing or just imagining things - I never see Nintendo fans calling Ratchet and Clank, LBP, Jak n daxter, or sly shit

I haven't played Knack, but it sure looks boring and monotonous. I loved (and still love) the PS1 Crash and Spyro games, so it definitely doesn't need to be Nintendo to be good for me.

But for FPS games, I usually don'


Why do u act like all or even a majority of Nintendo fans feel this way? ur talking about a select group of vocal fanboys, not the entire Nintendo fanbase. And that last sentance explains it, they are fanboys, people who will critisize anything thats not there console of choice.

I could easily come up with some dumb shit that Playstation or Xbox fanboys say then generalize and say all the fans have the same opinion.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.