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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I Got Platinum in GT5... I'm a Happy Guy... Ready For GT6.

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* You need to Gold all the Seasonal Events to get 100%. The first are not available anymore so it is impossible today make 100% *

Just a week before GT6 release I finally managed to got Platinum... I'm impressed with my own feat... close to three years playing and some massives hours in the latest weeks to finish all the Endurance races (some days I played over 10 hours).


I'm removing the GT5's Game Data from my PS3 right now releasing over 12GB of free space for my copy of GT6.

Guys... I did it... Platinum in Gran Turismo 5.


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BTW it is my 50th Platinum

No love to my feat well I need to Platinum GT6 to be the Boss.

That's a testament to your love for GT. Well done.

EDIT: How many ~hours?

Damn I rembemer I tried to get the platinum but damn... it was too hard. I got bored with the game since then and never touched it again .

"I've Underestimated the Horse Power from Mario Kart 8, I'll Never Doubt the WiiU's Engine Again"

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You're only doing this now? I am disappoint

What is the % on the plat? Must be something like 0,01% Official Playstation Vita Thread! Come in and join!!!

kivi95 said:
What is the % on the plat? Must be something like 0,01%

The PS4 Smartphone app just show 1 digit for decimal... so 0.1%.

Coming from a person who will probably never earn a platinum, I'm impressed. I aim for the bronze!

pokoko said:
Coming from a person who will probably never earn a platinum, I'm impressed. I aim for the bronze!

To be fair the most time consuming trophy in GT5 is a Bronze... buy 1000 cars.