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Forums - Sony Discussion - My new most overrated game ever

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I just downloading the ICO HD collection of psn thanks to + and had high expectation because everyone talks it up around here. but then I started playing it and I cant find a single good thing about it

The whole game is an escort mission and the not even the worst.

- that chick your escorting has the worst AI ever, she doesnt come to the next area unless you drag her or does anything except annoy you unless you pull her, and you constantly have to go back for her because shes being attacked.

- there is no story at all I dont even know who the kid or the girl is. No dialog no english speakers. just a tiny bit of text here and there. IO could not care less for the characters because theres nothing to care about.

- platforming is annoying as hell, clunky and unfluent

- combat is too simply. just one attack with frustrating mechanics.

- the loactions are not even that great there are plenty of games with better.


I was looking froward to playing sotc collosus and last guardian but if there anything like this game ill definitely give them a miss. 

what do you people like about the game?

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ICO is not at the same level as Shadow of the Colossus. It is the latter game that gave the studio such high critical acclaim. Give SotC a chance before judging.

yum123 said:

and had high expectation because everyone talks it up around here.

That's the problem, right there. You got hyped waay too much.

Probably should of rented it. I've watched videos on the game and it doesn't look very fun to play. Thanks for the heads up though.

Wright said:
yum123 said:

and had high expectation because everyone talks it up around here.

That's the problem, right there. You got hyped waay too much.

I wasnt hyped at all. I just expected something better from what people say about it on this site and around the net

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NobleTeam360 said:
Probably should of rented it. I've watched videos on the game and it doesn't look very fun to play. Thanks for the heads up though.

Technically he did, since PS+ is a pretty much a rental service. Praise the + !

So it is happening...PS4 preorder.

Greatness Awaits!

I got a demo disc with the PlayStation magazine about the time it was released. I was only like 10 at the time, but I really wasn't impressed. The game just wasn't very fun to play, I much preferred Hurdy Gurdy....

I disagree, but sometimes it can be the expectations you have when going into a game. I had no expectations and thought the game was very good. Did you happen to beat the game or are you just at a part that has you frustrated?

As for SoTC give it a try, if you don't like it Team Ico games just aren't your cup of tea, or you perhaps you were expecting something different.

I too played just recently but I thought it was amazing.

It's intended that you have to drag Yorda around. You have to keep her close to you so that she doesn't get carried in the darkness.

The story is minimalist but that's again the point. Not everything has to be explained for a good story to be told. I thought it was emotionally engrossing and few games, especially at the time ICO came out, offered this.

The platforming is odd sometimes but still fun in my opinion.

For the experience ICO was and for the progress it bringed in storytelling in video games I think it's actually underrated.

SotC is great but I can't believe it got green-lighted with those clunky controls. What's up with that?!