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Forums - Movies & TV - Pirates of the Caribbean 5 Lands Scripter Jeff Nathanson

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For some reason I'm blanking on the chicks name but shes from the last movie and is a god awful actress... please leave her out.

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Pirates of the Caribbean, the first three movies, stand atop my all-time favorites list of movies (great plot, great characters, and a script that gets more clever and deeper the more you watch it). On Stranger Tides was a bit of a letdown, but it was still fun. Pretty shallow by Pirates of the Caribbean standards, but still much better than most hollywood blockbuster fare.

The script to Catch me If YOu Can was outstanding, but I'm mostly worried about the fact that Ted Elliot and Terry Rossio aren't writing it anymore; they were what made the first three so good. between them and Gore Verbinski (who is really underrated as a director; seriously, watch rango and Mouse Hunt, very sharp direction with wit and humor), they made the first three something special.

Either way, Pirates are awesome. Bring em on!

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Max King of the Wild said:
For some reason I'm blanking on the chicks name but shes from the last movie and is a god awful actress... please leave her out.

yes she sucked ass. she single handedly almost ruiend the 4th part. i wish they would leave her out. i forgot her name too. it ends with cruize though

They are making another one?!
*Enter comment about Hollywood not being original here*

bananaking21 said:
Max King of the Wild said:
For some reason I'm blanking on the chicks name but shes from the last movie and is a god awful actress... please leave her out.

yes she sucked ass. she single handedly almost ruiend the 4th part. i wish they would leave her out. i forgot her name too. it ends with cruize though

Penelope Cruze.... for some reason I was thinking it was Selma Hayek.

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I'll never say no to more Jack Sparrow.

Max King of the Wild said:
bananaking21 said:
Max King of the Wild said:
For some reason I'm blanking on the chicks name but shes from the last movie and is a god awful actress... please leave her out.

yes she sucked ass. she single handedly almost ruiend the 4th part. i wish they would leave her out. i forgot her name too. it ends with cruize though

Penelope Cruze.... for some reason I was thinking it was Selma Hayek.

ohh yes. there both shit though

spurgeonryan said:

@ boutros


Did you see the budget for The Lone Ranger? Not good! Way too high!

Wow no I had not seen it. That's really high but the movie really does look good and the Johnny Depp marketing should make it so that the movie will be profitable. I feel like it will do great oversea.

Yes please. Love Pirates.

I know it would never, ever happen... But now that Disney owns Lucas Arts I would absolutely love for the film to feature a cameo from Guybrush Threepwood.


I hope the 5th one proves to be better than the rest. Jack is badass

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