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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - I just bought a Wii for 99 dollars! What games should I get? I get it! I was so wrong, Nintendo is Great!!!

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I have Wii Sports and hate it so far. Are these motion controls actually supposed to work at some point?


Tell me some other games that I can play that are not motion controlled other than Mario Galaxy. I played that at my cousins house a year ago. It was fun!


I am going to try Goldeneye Wii. Anyone still play who want to give me their code?

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Are we talking about the same Wii Sports? The game uses the motion controls very well, except maybe the boxing. Maybe give WSR a try since it uses more accurate motion with Wii Motion plus, and uses it quite well.

What kind of games do you like? I'll just give you a general list based off my favorite games, most of these don't really use the motion controls anyway:

Mario Kart Wii
Donkey Kong Country Returns
Monster Hunter Tri
Little King's Story
Kirby's Return to Dreamland
Metroid Prime 3/Trilogy

Mario Kart Wii is one of the most key games on the Wii so I'd recommend that. I'd also recommend Metroid Prime Trilogy as in my opinion it's one of the finest collection of games ever imagined.

I usually only like the game Temple Run on the Galaxy tablet. But maybe action games? Is that the right answer for something that I would normally say?

Mario Kart Wii
New Super Mario Bros. Wii
Wii Party

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I like the games I've bought and played on my Wii.

Check out my game list and pat attention to my ratings.

Motion does work well btw, just have to actually DO the motion. If you cheat and waggle, well, then yeah, you get what you put into it.

pezus said:
Wtf...were you drunk or on drugs?

No I have always liked and enjoyed Nintendo products. I was just putting on a posade to get well known here. Regularly I am a normal person. I have never even touched Marijuana before or white lightning.


The Guy from Metroid is my foavorite!

man-bear-pig said:
pezus said:
Wtf...were you drunk or on drugs?

No I have always liked and enjoyed Nintendo products. I was just putting on a posade to get well known here. Regularly I am a normal person. I have never even touched Marijuana before or white lightning.


The Guy from Metroid is my foavorite!

I hope that laughable last paragraph was intended.

The laughable last Sentence? It has been a while since I have played Nintendo, but after buying the 3DS my fire has been rekindled ( that was intentional).

Metroid Prime Trilogy
No more heroes 2
Red steel 2
The last story
Monster hunter
The Conduit
Little kings story
Mushroom men