Machina said:
I have played The Surge 2 - I thought it was decent but ultimately disappointing; the first game is much better imo. I really enjoyed The Surge, much more than most people, and I would rank it middle of the pack against FromSoft's library. It has a good sense of exploration & atmosphere, a really cool twist on the Soulslike gameplay with the ability to target limbs and the way equipment/parts drop, and the same addictive gameplay loop that I love in Souls games. The main downsides for me are the bosses are completely forgettable and they rarely force you to adapt (i.e. 'get good') or change your play style, so once you've found a tactic that works well you can kinda coast by on it. |
Turns out I own it so adding it to my XMB. Thanks, I really needed an action game for my rotation. Cheers.